[ I want to preface this by saying the recent discussions about POP3 that 
suggest it is a reasonable approach or a viable alternative are quite 
concerning to me, becauase as a practical matter, my understanding is that 
basically "nobody should still be using POP3" and it is a moribund and 
technically inadequate protocol with a lot of problems, and you are much better 
off figuring whatever is necessary to make IMAP work in your circumstance. But 
that's not this thread. And also that it's a potentially religious viewpoint 
and may well be wrong, and I personally have plenty of reasons to be unhappy 
with IMAP. ]

meine's explanation is not satisfactory and does not make sense to me.

I think the correct explanation is that under most circumstances, the default 
timeouts combined with the IMAP IDLE command and IMAP NOTIFY extension make it 
such that clients should not need to poll IMAP servers for new mail and so a 
user should not have to initiate such a manual poll.

But I think many of us do not live in that reality. I indeed have

bind index \` imap-fetch-mail

in my .muttrc and I use it with some regularity, although I am not always 
satisfied with the results.

John Hawkinson

meine <trial...@gmx.com> wrote on Sun, 11 Sep 2022
at 15:16:11 EDT in <Yx4z+w/ht22FUSMU@trackstand>:

> > Why isn't there a default binding for the "imap-fetch-mail" function,
> > just like 'G' for POP3? I know I can assign it, but was curious
> AFAIK POP3 needs to be triggered with 'G' to fetch newe mails and IMAP
> just reads the mailserver for all mails in your boxes. IMAP is to have
> all emails from wherever you access the account, so you don't have to
> use some fetch command because it is already done at access.

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