Greg Marks wrote:
>Unfortunately, a grep search through the ~/.thunderbird directory
>for "client_id," "client_secret," and "redirect_uri" yielded nothing.

On a related note, I just noticed that, when looking at the entry in the Thunderbird source code file
it looks like the client_id has changed and the client_secret is gone,
compared to what's indicated in the two web pages above.  I'm not sure what
that means for the future for people like me who use Thunderbird's Azure
app registration with Mutt.

Maybe it's time for Mutt to get its own Azure client_id and client_secret?

>I raised this issue with my university IT department (see below) and
>received a singularly unhelpful response (see below).

I opened a ticket with my own IT department about a year ago and I'm still
waiting for a resolution...  Contacting IT departments seems to be a dead


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