On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 12:37:02PM -0400, Derek Schrock wrote:

Hello, I'm looking for any FreeBSD ports/pkg users of mail/mutt and
hoping to get some feedback on option usage and which non-standard
features you're using from the port's included extra patches.  This
is mainly the *_PATCH options.

You can find the post to the FreeBSD ports mailing here on the possible
plan of what's to come for the port.  At a minimum removal of the quote
patch however the possible removal of all feature patches (including
maildir mtime).


If you are a user of this port/pkg please let me know such that I can
gauge the importance of this.

Last week I didn't know those patches existed. Now I've looked them over, and I won't miss them. It's fine with me if you drop those feature patches.

Generally I agree that a distribution of a program should not modify the program -- eg, the FreeBSD port of Mutt shouldn't add features to it.

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