I would suggest, and have used very successfully, using some form of 
object caching in the model. While I use a custom built cache for the 
task, jakarta's commons-pool and commons-collections would provide most 
of what you need to do this with.

The extra part added to the caching scheme here is a time limit on the 
object life.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether this belongs in the model or the 
controller? I find it should sit right along side the persistence/data 
retrieval mechanisms in the model.


Piero Fraternali wrote:
> My question is: how do I use caching technologies like Open Symphony and 
> Jesi, which insert caching directives in the page templates, when I use 
> a MVC architecture, like Struts.
> In MVC the page templates operates on THE RESULTS OF THE DATABASE 
> QUERIES, and DOES NOT PERFORM THE QUERIES. If I cache at the level of 
> the scripting code or custom tags, it is too late, the queries have 
> already been executed by the action in the Model.
> More generally, if the page template is complex, normally queries must 
> be executed BEFORE rendering the HTML, in the due order.
> How does caching of page fragments cope with this?
> Thanx
> Piero Fraternali

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