My quesetion concerns where Business Validation should be done. It seems
to me a good place to put validation for business objects would be in the
business object itself. For instance, if you have a User busines object
where the username had to be alphanumeric string and 6-8 characters, this
information could be validated in a validate function in the business
object. This kind of validation could be done in the presentation/client
layer as well. Is this similar to what other people have done? Or do you
put application-business validation in the Actions or in some sort of
action service class?

Also, if there is validation in business objects, how do you return lists
of errors in validation? The ActionErrors class in struts is tied to the
framework. Has anyone done anything like this, or do most people rely on
the presentation layer for lexical, syntactic and semantic validation?

Adam K.

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