Use EJBs with care

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) are designed to represent the model layer of 
an application. Developers often choose EJBs when building applications 
that will be distributed over several servers. Many developers also like 
to use EJBs because of the transparent way they handle transactions. 
Used properly, EJBs can be a good fit with Struts.

Whether or not to use EJBs for a given application is a complex 
question. EJBs can provide an application a plethora of services that 
developers might otherwise have to write themselves. But there is no 
free lunch. Most developers will agree that EJBs are a good choice for 
distributed, enterprise-scale applications. But most applications do not 
fit in that category. Be sure to think carefully before deciding to use 
EJBs with your application. Although, if your application is well 
designed, you should be able to switch to EJBs, or to any model layer, 
without affecting the rest of your application.

The most flexible approach is to use the "facade" pattern to create a 
buffer zone between the Struts Actions and your model (which includes 
the EJBs). To Struts, the facade looks and acts like the actual model. 
In practice, the facade is talking to other components which do the 
actual work.

DEFINITION - A Facade substitutes the interfaces of a set of classes 
with the interface of a single class. Facade hides implementation 
classes behind one interface. [Design Patterns by Gamma et al]

The ProcessBeans in the Jakarta Commons Scaffold package are an example 
of the facade pattern. To switch an application from plain-vanilla JDBC 
to something else, like EJBs, you can implement the business logic 
within a ProcessBean. The Action can continue to call the ProcessBean 
without knowing anything about EJBs, JDBC, or whatever else. (Of course, 
there is nothing special about ProcessBeans. Any similar object of your 
own creation will work as well.)

Using a facade to encapsulate calls to your business model is called the 
Business Delegate pattern.

DEFINITION - The Business Delegate hides the underlying implementation 
details of the business service, such as lookup and access details of 
the EJB architecture. [J2EE Design Patterns by * et al]

The Business Delegate pattern is often used with an EJB pattern called 
Session Facade.

Session Facade

The classic facade pattern is also the basis of the popular "Session 
Facade" pattern [J2EE Design Patterns]. Here, an EJB component called a 
"session bean" is used to implement the facade. If your application is 
wedded to EJBs, you might choose to have the Actions call your Session 
Facade directly. This will bind your Action to EJB Session Beans, but 
eliminates the need to build a generic facade between the Struts Action 
and your Session Facade. Like many implementation decisions, the best 
choice will depend on the circumstances.

Data Transfer Objects

To display the result of an operation, it is technically possible to 
pass an EJB to the presentation layer. The Struts Tags or Velocity View 
Tools can display the properties of an EJB, the same as any JavaBean. 
However, there is some overhead to every call to an EJB. Consequently, 
most developers use another object to carry data between layers. Such 
carriers are called Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). The Scaffold 
ResultList class is an example of a data transfer object.

The Struts ActionForm is also a type of DTO. When displaying data on the 
presentation layer, you have the option of populating an ActionForm from 
an EJB DTO or using the DTO directly. The deciding point is often how 
much control you have over the DTO. If you can control the DTO 
properties, then for displaying read-only data, you might as well pass 
the DTO back. The Struts tags and Velocity View Tools work by 
reflection. So long as the property names match, any object type can be 

Of course, for input, you should use a Struts ActionForm. Once 
validated, the ActionForm can be used to populate the EJB DTO. The DTO 
is then passed through the facade to the EJBs.

A popular tool for working with EJBs is XDoclet 
<>. This component starts out as an 
enhancement to the standard JavaDoc tool and ends up as a very clever 
code generator. You can use it to create and maintain much of the 
bullwork code needed by most EJB applications, including Data Transfer 

Another EJB tool to pursue is the Struts-Expresso framework 
<>. Expresso supports creating application with or 
without Enterprise JavaBeans, making it easier to hedge your bets.

Implementation patterns

For the best scalability, many Struts/EJB developers follow this pattern:

* Recreate the reference to the remote interface as required.
* Use stateless session EJBs in preference to stateful EJBs.
* Avoid retaining a handle to the stateless EJBs.
* Avoid interacting directly with entities.
* Use a stateless facade that returns a data transfer object to the Action.

A discussion of the technologies behind EJBs (stateless versus stateful 
and so forth) is beyond the scope of this article. For more about the 
Enterprise JavaBean technology, we recommend Mastering Enterprise 
JavaBeans by Ed Roman et al. A good online article is "Enterprise Bean 
Best Practices" 

HTH, Ted.


Struts Tips are based on excerpts from the book Java Web Development 
with Struts. <>

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About Ted. Ted Husted is an active Struts Committer and co-author of 
Java Web Development with Struts and Professional JSP Site Design. Ted 
also moderates the Struts mailing list and the JGuru Struts FAQ.

Copyright Ted Husted 2002. All rights reserved.

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