Well Vic can we join any of the private classes ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vic Cekvenich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: MVC-Programmers
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: [MVC-Programmers] Re: [MVC-Programmers mail list]

> Katta,
> I just finished doing one online (see bellow, still some labs left),
> so... it will be a while, a few months for next one (plus its not real
> profitable for baseBeans.com).
> Instead... I am doing a *lot* of private on site classes, 3 and 1/2 days.
> .V
> Katta, Anitha wrote:
>  > Hello Vic,
>  > I am interested in signing up for an on-line struts/web app class.
>  >
>  > Are you planning to schedule one in the near future?
>  >
>  > Thanks
>  > Anitha
> Doug Shackelford on 7/30 wrote:
> > While doing Lab3 AA (dot notation), I had some problems getting
> > multi-row update to work on the taskListMR page after I nested the tasks
> > inside a project.  I only have one question at the end, but I thought I
> > would post my journey in case it would be helpful to other students.
> >
> > Note: this post is a spoiler, so if you haven't done Lab AA, then I
> > wouldn't read it.  By the way, I highly recommend this lab.  It forced
> > me to a much greater understanding of what is going on.
> >
> > After Lab 2, my MRTaskList.jsp looked something like this.  The formBean
> > (fb) was a TaskBean.
> >
> > <c:forEach var="row" items="${fb}">
> > <tr>
> > <td>
> > <c:url value="taskEdit" var ="url">
> > <c:param name="ID" value="${row.id}"/>
> >             <c:param name="Dispatch" value="Edit"/>
> > </c:url>
> > <a href ='<c:out value="${url}"/>' >
> > <fmt:message key="button.edit"
> > bundle="${loc}"/>
> > </a>
> > </td>
> > <td>
> > <html:text styleClass="form" property="name"
> > size="20" name="row" indexed="true"/>
> > </td>
> > </tr>
> > </c:forEach>
> >
> > After nesting, the formBean (fb) became a ProjectBean with tasks.
> > Accordingly, I changed the <c:forEach> to be:
> >
> > <c:forEach var="row" items="${fb.tasks.displayList}">
> >
> > This, of course, didn't work, so I changed the var to "tasks".  This
> > gave me this:
> >
> > <c:forEach var="tasks" items="${fb.tasks.displayList}">
> > <tr>
> > <td>
> > <c:url value="taskEdit" var ="url">
> > <c:param name="ID" value="${tasks.id}"/>
> >             <c:param name="Dispatch" value="Edit"/>
> > etc.
> >
> > This didn't work either, so I changed it to
> >
> > <c:forEach var="tasks.row" items="${fb.tasks.displayList}">
> >
> > At first, I didn't understand why this helped.  Now, I do.  This really
> > helped me to understand.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I still had a problem with my "Edit" URL.  It wasn't
> > populating the ID.  Everything else worked.  I tried many variations
> > such as:
> >
> > <c:param name="ID" value="${tasks.row.id}"/>
> >
> > I guess this doesn't work because "tasks.row" is not a valid variable
> > name.
> >
> > Eventually, I got it working by using <bean:write>, as follows:
> >
> > <c:param name="ID">
> > <bean:write name="tasks.row" property="id"/>
> > </c:param>
> >
> > Given that we should avoid the bean tags in favor of JSTL, is there any
> > way to do this without using <bean:write>?
> >
> > Thanks for any thoughts.
> >
> > --Doug
> >
> --
> Vic Cekvenich,
> Struts Instructor,
> 1-800-917-JAVA
> Advanced <a href ="baseBeans.com">Struts Training</a>, mentoring and
> project recovery in North East.
> Struts conversion and <a href ="baseBeans.com"> fixed bid development</a>.
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