Richard, an example to answer "I still can't see why you would immediately
want to see another occurrence of the task if you have just marked it done"


I have a daily task to scan several newspapers online for headlines related
to my business. There are days when this task takes 2 minutes but there have
been days when it takes 45 minutes. When I took a week's vacation I didn't
do this task. When I got back, I did the current days' headlines and the
first couple of days I missed. I didn't have time for more so the next day
when I got back to it, the next recurrence of the task showed me what I
needed to look at next.


If this wasn't available I could have looked in my browser history to see
where I left off, but that would have been distinctly less productive. Or, I
could have gone into the task notes and left myself a note about where to
restart, but that would have required a conscious decision that I was
quitting this task for the day. I think what happened was that I got a phone
call and never got back to it, so I would have been unlikely to complete
that. It was a pretty smooth process to scan a day, mark the task done, go
on to the next day.


The only thing that might have been better for me would have been if I could
mark the "current" date done when I did it, right away, instead of waiting
till that day came up in the task list and remembering, hey this is where I
started. But I am -not- asking for any changes to support that.




[] On Behalf Of Richard Collings
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 9:40 AM
Subject: RE: [MLO] Feature request: when marking a recurring task completed,
keep completed sub-tasks with completed copy of task


Yes, your 'clear dead plant' example is precisely the sort of 'one-off task'
I was talking about - although in this case it is mixed in with tasks that
you do want to reset to not done - which makes the requirement slightly more
difficult to address.


Perhaps a 'Recur this sub-task when parent recurs' flag against the


I have sacrificed one of my votes on UserVoice to add this.


As for the missed daily task,  if you have multiple occurrences outstanding,
would you want it to recur immediately, which is what happens when you mark
it done?.   The 'recur 1 day after' doesn't work for reasons that I outlined
in my reply to Lisa.   


At the moment, I do use the 'Skip occurrence' option but given that I still
can't see why you would immediately want to see another occurrence of the
task if you have just marked it done,  I would still favour an approach
which, when you mark the first instance done, cycles through the repeat
pattern until it gets to date/time in the future 


[] On Behalf Of dwight
Sent: 06 February 2011 4:10 AM
Subject: RE: [MLO] Feature request: when marking a recurring task completed,
keep completed sub-tasks with completed copy of task


Hi Richard.

Regarding your "one-off" scenario, I do not entirely follow what you are
saying but I do have a similar situation - Is this anything to do with your


I have a recurring weekly task having to do with closing my office for the
week. There are a dozen or so subtasks. The recurring task is defined as a
project, with "reset all subtasks to uncompleted" and "Automatically recur
when all subtasks are complete" - I love the way that this works. Sometimes
I think of a new thing that needs to be added to the routine, like "fill
birdfeeder" and I stick in a new subtask, which will recur from now on. And
sometimes there's something I just want to remember to do once, like
"discard dead plant". Maybe this is like your one-off. So I will add it to
the project, and when I've finished the project I have to remember to go in
and delete it from next week's project. It would be great to have a way to
add in this subtask in a way that says, "when everything else recurs, do not
recur this task. If THAT's what you mean, and you put this up on uservoice,
I'll vote for it.


Regarding the missed daily task, if there is something I am supposed to do
daily and I miss a couple of days, there's a good chance that I have to do
it a few times to catch up, and it's helpful to have multiple occurrences.
If it does not really matter if I missed it or not, so long as it's in my
task list every day, I would do as Lisa suggested and have it recur one day
after each time it's completed. Or, if I really want to do it daily but I
miss a few days, I would right-click the task and select "skip occurrence"
then pick "skip all occurrences up to today" then perform today's task, mark
it complete, and the task will reoccur for tomorrow. 



[] On Behalf Of Lisa Stroyan
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [MLO] Feature request: when marking a recurring task completed,
keep completed sub-tasks with completed copy of task


At 11:40 AM 2/5/2011, you wrote:

If you have a recurring task and then add (one-off) sub-tasks to it and then
mark these done followed by marking the recurring task done,  the completed
sub-tasks are left attached to the 'new' uncompleted task (assuming you
don't have the automatic resetting of sub-tasks enabled).   Logically, they
should be left attached to the completed copy (assuming you have this
enabled) as they were effectively completed as specific sub-tasks of that
particular instance of the recurring task.

How do you create one-off subtasks under a recurring task?  I thought the
recurrence applied to the tree...I suppose if you don't "inherit dates" it
could be seen either way....I'm confused but it's been a long day so it's
probably me :)

And whilst I am on the subject of recurring tasks, another minor annoyance
is that if you have a recurring task with a short recurring interval (eg
every day) and several days (say) have passed,  when you mark that task
completed,  the new occurrence should be set to the next occurrence after
the current date/time.    

Are you looking for the already existing feature, "recur 1 day" (or X days)
after this task is completed?  I think this feature already exists and you
just have to choose it.

I have lots of recurrent tasks and I use both of these, in different ways.



Lisa Stroyan,  <> <>  

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