
thank you so much for this detailed info - I will set it up accordingly and experiment with it!
Since I just started with this app, any input is inspiring so I can find my own way of using it well.

Have a great day,

On 22.08.2012 02:10, m...@grantsmiths.org wrote:

OK, Brienne, here it is.

1.       On Windows MLO, select “manage flags” from the tools menu

2.       Look over the defined flags (if any). If you see one you would like to use for this, press ESC or Escape on your keyboard and go to step 6

3.       If none of your flags seems appropriate (or you have no defined flags), press INS or Insert on your keyboard to create a new flag.

4.       Type the name for your new flag, like “postponed”

5.       Click on the icon button and select an icon. Click “OK” then “close”.

6.       Click the “to-do” tab

7.       Is there a column on the right that shows a series of filter selections? If not, click “Filter >>”

8.       Under the word “Filter” does it say “Active”? If not, click whatever word you see and select “Active”

9.       For contexts select (all) and be sure “include closed” is checked

10.   Under Start Date clear the from date and the to date, and be sure “hide undated” is not checked.

11.   Under Advanced click Add Advanced then click Setup

12.   In the setup window click Add Rule

13.   In the first dropdown, click DueDateTime

14.   In the second dropdown, click “on or before”

15.   In the third box type “Today-1” without the quotes.

16.   The fourth box should say AND. Change it to OR.

17.   Click the big blue plus. The first line should now read (DueDateTime on or before Today-1)OR

18.   On the second line click the icon between the blue plus and the red minus. Or, click the “add subrule” button above.

19.   In the first dropdown click “Flag”

20.   In the second dropdown click “<>” which means “not equal”

21.   In the third dropdown pick the name of your selected flag.

22.   In the fourth box leave the AND, then click the big blue plus.

23.   Assuming that your flag is called “Postponed”, the second line should now read “>”, the third line should read “(Flag<>Postponed)AND” and you should be on the fourth line.

24.   In the first dropdown, click DueDateTime

25.   In the second dropdown, click Today

26.   The third dropdown should be hidden. The next one you see is the fourth one, and it should say AND. Click the OK button at the bottom.

27.   If you like doublechecking, click SETUP under Advanced. The first line should read “(DueDateTime on or before Today-1)OR” and the second line should read “((Flag<>Postponed)AND(DueDateTime is Today))”. Click OK

28.   Toward the bottom left of the screen you will see Save Settings in bold. Click it.

29.   Type a view name, like To Do Today, then click OK.


Now, the to-do view “To Do Today” will show you all the tasks that are active and overdue, as well as all of the tasks that are due today and have not been postponed.

Bring up the view and right-click on the view name to bring up the Show Columns menu. Click to make a checkmark before Flags. Now, when you want to postpone a task one day and it’s due but not overdue, you can right click in the Flag column for the task and select “postponed”.



From: mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com [mailto:mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mazey
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 2:33 PM
To: mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [MLO] Postpone feature?


Hi nat, hi dwight,

hope it is ok if I just jump in and say yes dwight, please do share the steps! I follow this question since I had a similar one on my to-ask list, so I'd be very interested to find out how this works.
Plus I have not found a really useful use for flags, other than simply marking stuff manually.

Have a nice evening.

On 21.08.2012 20:29, m...@grantsmiths.org wrote:

Hi, Nat: On the Windows version of MLO you could create a “today” list showing items that (are due today) OR (are due on or before yesterday AND are not yellow flagged). I just picked yellow randomly. Any flag would do.


Then when you want to postpone a task that’s due today, you would add a yellow flag, it would vanish but reappear tomorrow. You could not use this to postpone tasks that are already overdue.


If you like this idea and want me to spell out the steps to accomplish it, let me know.



From: mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com [mailto:mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of natG
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:16 AM
To: mylifeorganized@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MLO] Postpone feature?


Does MLO have a 'postpone task' feature? This would be similar to the existing 'skip task' feature except that the task retains its original due date and correctly becomes overdue. For example, if a task that is due 'today' is postponed, it disappears from today's todo list, but in tomorrow's list it shows [red] as due *yesterday*, which is the truth. This way I do not get rewarded for procrastination. :)


Fwiw, rtm works this way.





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