Dino, MLO (this program) offers three layers of support for you, depending 
on exactly what you need.

_Recurrence_ was described by Lisa in a previous answer. If it's just that 
you have a group of tasks that you want to schedule repeatedly, every day, 
every week, the second and fourth wednesdays of each month, or whatever, 
just create a recurring task and it will reschedule itself, This is 
extremely powerful and useful.

The second answer is to create a template within your outline. Again, Lisa 
has described how to set up a branch in a hidden "template" folder, but 
there's more. When you need another copy of your template, you don't have 
to make a copy and move it out of the folder. Here's what else you can do: 
go to the place in your outline where you want the new branch to go. Select 
an existing task that's at the same level as where you want the new branch 
placed (called a "sibling".) Right-click on the sibling to bring up a 
"context menu" and select "new from template." MLO will pop up a window 
with your outline in it, you should scroll to where your template folder 
is, expand it, select the branch you want to use and click OK. MLO will 
make a copy of your template in the place you have selected. You probably 
have to edit the top item in the branch to give it a name or description 
and to set the dates, if the lower level tasks are inheriting their dates 
from the parent then you are probably done.

Finally, you can create a template file. This is helpful if having a 
"template" folder in your outline is confusing or annoying. In MLO, in the 
File menu, select "New". You will see a list of existing template files. 
Ignore them, select "create new blank file". You will now be in a totally 
empty workspace. Set up your templates as branches in this workspace. For 
example, create a task called Template1 and create the appropriate 
subtasks. Then back to the root and create another task called Template2 
and its subtasks. When you have finished creating them, from the File menu 
select "Export". On the "Save As" window that pops up, set "Save As Type" 
to "MyLifeOrganized Template (.mlt)" and enter a name for the file, then 
save it. Then, back to the File menu, select Open and pick your saved 
profile. (If MLO asks if you want to save the file you can say "no" because 
it's already saved as a template. (Unless you want to save this outline as 
a profile to make it easier to edit and re-save the templates.) Now, find 
the place in your outline where you want the template tasks added, select a 
(parent) task or folder under which you want your new branches created, and 
from the File menu, select "Import". In the "open" window, set file type to 
"MyLifeOrganized Template (.mlt)" From the list of template files, select 
the one you saved, and select that you want "subtasks of the selected 
task". Hit OK and your new branches will be created from the template, 
ready for you to update the descriptions and dates.

Dino, MLO has a lot of functionality and nobody really uses all of it. If 
you find that one of the answers to your questions sounds useful and easy, 
you can just focus on that solution and ignore the other answers. Good 
luck, and I hope to see you here on the MLO users forum in the future.

On Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:20:18 PM UTC-5, Dino Moskos wrote:
> I am thinking of buying this program.  I have matters that have the same 
> tasks in them.  Is there a template function with this program whereby I 
> can set up multiple to dos set up at a predetermined schedule?  Otherwise, 
> I have to type the same tasks for every matter and make sure that the time 
> frames are correct each time.  Thanks.  

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