Haven't had time to get my head round this but haven't had a quick look at 
the article and what Omnifocus does,  I have to say that I really like the 
'Forecast' concept that Omnifocus is looking to implement.    This is 
essentially what I want from the 'calendar' functionality that we have 
talked about at great length.   ie: something that looks a few days ahead 
and allows you to see/plan/manage up coming commitments, deadlines. etc.

The problem with the term 'Calendar' is that it means so many different 
things to different people.   Perhaps from now on I will use the the term 
'forecast' to describe what I am looking for.


On Friday, 18 April 2014 15:37:37 UTC+1, Simon Dodds wrote:
> Hi all,
> It occurred to me recently that there are so many Omnifocus users out 
> there that have blogged about their setups - and since both OF and MLO are 
> practically identical in functionality (although MLO is much better at 
> setting up task views/"perspectives"!) it makes sense to look there to see 
> what we can apply to MLO.
> I stumbled across this great article - 
> http://colterreed.com/tracking-urgent-and-important-tasks-in-omnifocus/ - 
> where the Eisenhower matrix is presented in such a clever way that I had to 
> share it here.
> The logic is so simple: 
>    - important = star
>    - urgent = due in next X days
> So here's the MLO setup I use to make this all work:
>    - Show available actions, include closed contexts
>    - Hide actions belonging to closed or suspended projects, and those 
>    with incomplete dependencies & subtasks
>    - Show all tasks that are starred OR due in the next X days (i use 7)
>    - Sort by Starred, then Due, then Start
> It has since become THE default view for me on MLO  - try it out.
> -Simon

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