Indeed this can be addressed in the views as you suggest but two things:

a) as I pointed out, sometimes I'm working in the native tree (full 
outline) and that's where I want to work, not in a view.
b) If this change affects just 1/4 of my typical daily views (and it may be 
more like 1/2) that's 5 views I have to modify and maintain.  
   1. If I make new/other views, it's yet one more parameter I have to 
remember to enforce.  
   2. If I have other, less-often used views I may not update them promptly 
or remember when needed causing me confusion or even frustration.   None of 
which is desirable.

This could be reasonable as a workaround but I have to regard it as just a 

I believe Project Status should be user configurable and should dictate the 
status of a project (eg. active or not.)  It is a logical extension of the 
feature and imo good for the workflow.


On Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 12:40:59 PM UTC-4 Stéph wrote:

> I often find the lack of dependencies between different task parameters a 
> bit frustrating, too. However, this doesn't need to affect your filtered 
> view looking the way you want it - the flexibility of the custom filters 
> functions generally more than makes up for this. To make your next actions 
> list look the way you want, you can add an Advanced Filter rule: 
> ProjectStatus <> Suspended.
> On Friday, 30 July 2021 at 16:18:19 UTC+1 wrote:
>> As the title.  I have projects that are marked suspended yet tasks under 
>> it show up in my next actions list as active.   I think this should not 
>> be.  I expect projects marked Suspended or Completed should have their 
>> children inactive.
>> *Sidebar but while on the topic *- Also request another project status 
>> called "Closed" or "Cancelled" to distinguish Projects completed 
>> successfully/fully vs those that have stalled or died (eg. ran out of 
>> funding, client cancelled next phase, etc.  Basically reasons that may be 
>> in or out of my control but which project stops not fully completed.   It 
>> would behave the same as Completed or Suspended in that any tasks under 
>> that project should inherit inactivity.
>> Joel.

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