Here's the brief answer, I hope this helps. If not, write back and ask for the step-by-step directions

You almost got it. The missing piece is that you need a rule whose only function is to determine whether the tree of rules below it will be ORed or ANDed to any other rules. So, create a subrule, leave it essentially empty, and then put your sub filters at the next level down

On November 30, 2021 08:56:53 Grant <> wrote:
Hi, I can not get my head around how to add subfilters in the Advanced Filter. When I create a top level filter, and click on the 'subfilter' button to the right, the conditions of the top-level filter disappear, and only the 'AND/OR' remains. If I try to edit that, I only get the option to precede it with 'NOT' and maybe some other conditions. The parameters are gone, eg 'is starred'.

The HELP file contains no details on using the Advance Filter, so I have come here for help, or a pointer to better instructions.


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