At this point, I say “Try it”.  Ignore the following, but I’m thinking that if 
you filter out #TimeFrame contexts, at best you won’t get them grouped the way 
you like.  And at worst, you won’t see them listed at all, even if they have an 
@people.  Try it, though.  Again, I return to that from a human point-of-view 
the contexts #Today and @Person are two different things.  But to a computer 
they are both contexts.  So I sense you’re forcing a square peg into a round 
hole and do better to use flags, text tags or captions to perform another duty 
for you. 



Take Care,


Michael Emerald, CFA


Performance Business Design

Owner, Business Strategy Consultant


From: <> On 
Behalf Of John Tomson
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 01:16
To: MyLifeOrganized <>
Subject: Re: [MLO] Re: Include only contexts starting with #


I have a potential solution, Michael do you think this would work. i haven't 
explored this yet however

There is the option to have a context show up in "to do filters".    The 
#Timeframe could be selected to not show up, and the @People show up.  Not sure 
if that works however.

On Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:37:38 PM UTC+8 
<>  wrote:

BOTTOM LINE: I don’t think there is a way but I want you to know I thought 
about it.


HOW I’D PROBABLY DEAL WITH IT: I’d either not use contexts for both people and 
dates, or else create two views: one grouped by dates and one grouped by 
people.  I don’t like that approach though; I hate switching views.


DETAIL: Doubled “somethings” has always been a problem for me, not just in this 
software but others.  In all cases I eventually throw in the towel and find a 
way to harness the power of something else. I don’t think it applies to your 
situation, but one additional trick I use that you didn’t mention is including 
the PERSON, in caps in the caption, and somehow filtering for caption.  Again, 
different situation.  I use contexts for time, not place.  So when I want to do 
something in my Dudley office, I include DUDLEY in my caption, and my 
Winchester view filters out any caption containing DUDLEY.



Take Care,


Michael Emerald, CFA


Performance Business Design

Owner, Business Strategy Consultant


From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf 
Of John Tomson
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 23:54
To: MyLifeOrganized < 
<> >
Subject: [MLO] Re: Include only contexts starting with #


I am having the same issue.  I don't use folders , but use contexts instead of 
folders as putting tasks in folders is a huge pain in android.  however, i'm 
having difficulting filtering the tasks by contexts and grouping by contexts

I have @ for people and also #Today #this week #later as well..  i have a 
filter that shows me @People and then the #Today and #This Week

I would like to see the group by contexts so i can group by  '#today and #whats 
next week.  currently the results are doubled, 1 for #time and 1 for @people

would the filter by child help?  I am using text tags and the flags function 
already for other purposes.  I am 'powering using' contexts in replace of 
folders because android isn't very friendly to moving tasks around.  

On Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 2:18:28 AM UTC+8 Edward D wrote:

Ah text tags, good idea. I'm not using them for anything so could easily just 
use them for people.


Much appreciated Stéphane

On Sunday, 2 June 2019 22:23:37 UTC+1, Stéph wrote:

Interesting problem. So you're grouping your filter results by Context. You 
can't sort by Context, as that field can have more than one value. Group by 
Context makes a result appear under whatever Contexts you have assigned to it, 
so it can appear multiple times.


Because you're using Contexts for more than one category of "thing" - eg people 
and places, I can't think of a way of filtering and grouping to solve your 
problem. Just one suggestion: Have you considered using Flags or Text Tags to 
list the people involved in a task, instead?



On Saturday, 25 May 2019 23:14:35 UTC+1, Edward D wrote:

Hi All,


I'm just messing around with my filters.


I've moved all people based contexts to start with a # and left other types 
with an @


What I'd like to do is create a view that will just return the # people (I'm 
going to call it...people).


Now I've got the basic part working (advanced filter, ContextsText starts with 
'#') but I still get groups with the other contexts underneath ie if I had a 
task such as


     Ring person A #PersonA @Phone


I get an @Phone block at the bottom of my view as well as the #PersonA one at 
the top.


Normally this is the behaviour you'd want but the point of this view is only 
for when I'm in people mode, the @ contexts aren't relevant. Obviously this is 
just me wanting a perfect view (imagine having to just ignore the groups at the 
bottom, terrible!) but hey, why not,  is there any way around it?


PS I've tried blocking @ but that takes them out of the # groups as well




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