Many of my tasks run past midnight; I turn on the "use time" checkbox and set start/due times to something like noon Monday to 4am Tuesday. Instead of looking at tasks for today I look at tasks for now through now+0.5 which means 12 hours from now.I have a number of repeating tasks that start over each day, they are in a project that re[peats daily, start time 6am today and end time 4am tomorrow. I never get everything in this list done, so the project is always incomplete, each new day when I get to my computer or phone I mark yesterday's daily project complete and all the subtasks regenerate as new, uncompleted tasks. This all works without a hitch for me except for holidays.


On 2/19/2023 4:29 PM, Stéph wrote:
Sounds like you work in a different time zone to the one you're living in! I take it that it would be too confusing to change the time zone for your computers, as a work around?

On Saturday, 18 February 2023 at 23:13:07 UTC Florian Müller wrote:
Hello there,

I'm sorry if this topic already exists - I'm not really sure how to search for it.

One big issue I have with all the todo-tools: The day ends at midnight, while my day ends when I go to sleep, at 4am. It gets confusing when all of a sudden a lot of tasks appear as overdue, when midnight just passed by and I'm still in the middle of doing things. Or even worse, things get mixed up with new tasks for "tomorrow". Or recurring daily tasks...

Is it possible to treat "today" in tasks to last until 4am or another defined time?

Hoping for the best!

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