David J. Potter writes:
 > Hello,
 > Until recently I have spent most of my time using the major databases such
 > as Oracle, DB2, Sybase etc.  I am new to MySQL.  At first I was excited
 > about such a low cost alternative such as MySQL, and I have found Mysql to
 > be a great database for very small databases, but for large databases it has
 > been a nightmare due to constant table corruption that is happening many
 > times on a daily basis.  The corruption is so bad that sometimes even
 > myisamchk -r won't fix the data and I have to use  --safe-recover.
 > Hopefully someone can give me some guidance as I really do not want to go
 > back to using those proprietary and expensive database systems.  I am not
 > able to move to an Unix operating system because the DSL modem being used
 > requires Windows and also for other reasons.  My setup is very simple with
 > only computer, the database resides on that computer, just one Mysql
 > database server, and only one database with one table.
 > Here are the specific details:
 > An example of the error message I get: "[TCX][MyODBC]Incorrect key file for
 > table: 'domain'. Try to repair it"
 > This happens while inserting a large number rows at high speed being read
 > from a text file.  It crashes usually around the 1,000,000th inserted row
 > into a table.
 > Hardware: Atlas CS9000
 > Operating system: Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A
 > CPU: One Intel Pentium III/Coppermine Processor 800Mhz
 > Motherboard: Shuttle AV11 VIA 693A Motherboard with PC133 & UDMA66 Support
 > Memory 128MB PC-133 SDRAM
 > Server version  3.23.32
 > Protocol version 10
 > Connection  localhost via TCP/IP
 > TCP port  3306
 > Uptime:   19 hours 50 min 34 sec
 > Threads: 2  Questions: 4551989  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 13  Flush tables: 1
 > Open tables: 0 Queries per second avg: 63.723
 > Here is the contents of the mysql.err error log:
 > C:/MYSQL/bin/mysqld-opt.exe: ready for connections
 > 010207 23:32:23  C:/MYSQL/bin/mysqld-opt.exe: Normal shutdown
 > 010207 23:32:23  C:/MYSQL/bin/mysqld-opt.exe: Shutdown Complete
 > C:/MYSQL/bin/mysqld-opt.exe: ready for connections
 > mysqladmin status gives:
 > Uptime: 71416  Threads: 2  Questions: 4551985  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 13
 > Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 0 Queries per second avg: 63.739
 > +--------------------------+----------+
 > | Variable_name            | Value    |
 > +--------------------------+----------+
 > | Aborted_clients          | 0        |
 > | Aborted_connects         | 0        |
 > | Bytes_received           | 0        |
 > | Bytes_sent               | 0        |
 > | Connections              | 8        |
 > | Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0        |
 > | Created_tmp_tables       | 0        |
 > | Created_tmp_files        | 0        |
 > | Delayed_insert_threads   | 0        |
 > | Delayed_writes           | 0        |
 > | Delayed_errors           | 0        |
 > | Flush_commands           | 1        |
 > | Handler_delete           | 0        |
 > | Handler_read_first       | 1        |
 > | Handler_read_key         | 0        |
 > | Handler_read_next        | 0        |
 > | Handler_read_prev        | 0        |
 > | Handler_read_rnd         | 0        |
 > | Handler_read_rnd_next    | 8        |
 > | Handler_update           | 0        |
 > | Handler_write            | 4544830  |
 > | Key_blocks_used          | 7764     |
 > | Key_read_requests        | 38159880 |
 > | Key_reads                | 3032717  |
 > | Key_write_requests       | 9364345  |
 > | Key_writes               | 9364345  |
 > | Max_used_connections     | 1        |
 > | Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0        |
 > | Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0        |
 > | Open_tables              | 0        |
 > | Open_files               | 0        |
 > | Open_streams             | 0        |
 > | Opened_tables            | 13       |
 > | Questions                | 4551966  |
 > | Select_full_join         | 0        |
 > | Select_full_range_join   | 0        |
 > | Select_range             | 0        |
 > | Select_range_check       | 0        |
 > | Select_scan              | 0        |
 > | Slave_running            | OFF      |
 > | Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0        |
 > | Slow_launch_threads      | 0        |
 > | Slow_queries             | 0        |
 > | Sort_merge_passes        | 0        |
 > | Sort_range               | 0        |
 > | Sort_rows                | 0        |
 > | Sort_scan                | 0        |
 > | Threads_cached           | 0        |
 > | Threads_created          | 7        |
 > | Threads_connected        | 2        |
 > | Threads_running          | 1        |
 > | Uptime                   | 71310    |
 > +--------------------------+----------+
 > +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 > | Variable_name           | Value
 > |
 > +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 > | ansi_mode               | OFF
 > |
 > | back_log                | 50
 > |
 > | basedir                 | c:\mysql\
 > |
 > | binlog_cache_size       | 32768
 > |
 > | character_set           | latin1
 > |
 > | character_sets          | latin1 big5 czech euc_kr gb2312 gbk sjis tis620
 > ujis dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish hebrew
 > win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257 |
 > | concurrent_insert       | ON
 > |
 > | connect_timeout         | 5
 > |
 > | datadir                 | c:\mysql\data\
 > |
 > | delay_key_write         | ON
 > |
 > | delayed_insert_limit    | 100
 > |
 > | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300
 > |
 > | delayed_queue_size      | 1000
 > |
 > | flush                   | OFF
 > |
 > | flush_time              | 1800
 > |
 > | have_bdb                | NO
 > |
 > | have_gemini             | NO
 > |
 > | have_innobase           | NO
 > |
 > | have_isam               | YES
 > |
 > | have_raid               | NO
 > |
 > | have_ssl                | NO
 > |
 > | init_file               |
 > |
 > | interactive_timeout     | 28800
 > |
 > | join_buffer_size        | 131072
 > |
 > | key_buffer_size         | 8388600
 > |
 > | language                | c:\mysql\share\english\
 > |
 > | large_files_support     | ON
 > |
 > | log                     | OFF
 > |
 > | log_update              | OFF
 > |
 > | log_bin                 | OFF
 > |
 > | log_slave_updates       | OFF
 > |
 > | long_query_time         | 10
 >                                                             |
 > | low_priority_updates    | OFF
 > |
 > | lower_case_table_names  | 1
 > |
 > | max_allowed_packet      | 1048576
 > |
 > | max_binlog_cache_size   | 4294967295
 > |
 > | max_connections         | 100
 > |
 > | max_connect_errors      | 10
 > |
 > | max_delayed_threads     | 20
 > |
 > | max_heap_table_size     | 16777216
 > |
 > | max_join_size           | 4294967295
 >                             |
 > | max_sort_length         | 1024
 > |
 > | max_tmp_tables          | 32
 > |
 > | max_write_lock_count    | 4294967295
 > |
 > | myisam_recover_options  | OFF
 > |
 > | myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608
 > |
 > | net_buffer_length       | 16384
 > |
 > | net_read_timeout        | 30
 > |
 > | net_retry_count         | 10
 > |
 > | net_write_timeout       | 60
 > |
 > | open_files_limit        | 0
 > |
 > | pid_file                | c:\mysql\data\.pid
 > |
 > | port                    | 3306
 > |
 > | protocol_version        | 10
 > |
 > | record_buffer           | 131072
 > |
 > | query_buffer_size       | 0
 > |
 > | safe_show_database      | OFF
 > |
 > | server_id               | 0
 > |
 > | skip_locking            | ON
 > |
 > | skip_networking         | OFF
 > |
 > | skip_show_database      | OFF
 > |
 > | slow_launch_time        | 2
 > |
 > | socket                  | MySQL
 > |
 > | sort_buffer             | 2097144
 > |
 > | table_cache             | 64
 > |
 > | table_type              | MYISAM
 > |
 > | thread_cache_size       | 0
 > |
 > | thread_stack            | 65536
 > |
 > | timezone                | Pacific Standard Time
 > |
 > | tmp_table_size          | 1048576
 > |
 > | tmpdir                  | c:\windows\temp\
 > |
 > | version                 | 3.23.32
 > |
 > | wait_timeout            | 28800
 > |
 > +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------+


Table corruption is quite rare these days. 

>From the above output we can hardly deduce why should corruption

Especially puzzling is that both bytes_sent and received are both

If you can make a ZIP file containing a dump of the table, plus text
file and command that you used we might find out what is happening.



      ____  __     _____   _____  ___     ==  MySQL AB
     /*/\*\/\*\   /*/ \*\ /*/ \*\ |*|     Sinisa Milivojevic
    /*/ /*/ /*/   \*\_   |*|   |*||*|     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   /*/ /*/ /*/\*\/*/  \*\|*|   |*||*|     Larnaca, Cyprus
  /*/     /*/  /*/\*\_/*/ \*\_/*/ |*|____
             /*/             \*\                Developers Team

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