
Thanks for  have a look at me.   I  got  some  problem  followed, thanks......

Because  of   deleting   some  data   from a  table, and I got the  uncountinued  
index number.

Yesterday, I   tried  to  alter  the  table   to delete   a  auto_increment  and 
primary  key  column 
 named  "my_num"  , and I   rebuilt  a  new   auto_increment  primary key  the same  

I type  the  follwed two command:

mysql>   alter  table   bk_user   drop   my_num;
mysql>  alter table  bk_user  add  my_num int auto_increment  primary key;

I  would  just  like to reset    the  auto_increment  and  primary  key   started  
form   No.1  but faild.
It  always  appears  the number   that  start  after  the  ended  and last  number  of 
 the column 
that you deleted  . (for  example :30215 to  start )

I  just  could  not  get  the new fresh   index number   from "  1  " .
Could  any one  tell me  how I can  reolve the problem?  Thanks  a lot !

                 Fongming   from  Taiwan.  2001/2/10  

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