Are U going to search thru the XML data in the future? If so U have to be carefull .. If not, depending on size u have these options 1. text(64K) or blob(64K) 2. mediumtext(16MB) or mediumblob(16MB) Cheers! Thiru If U may search thru the XML data at some point, On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:35:54 +0530 "I.SivaramaKrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: -> Hi all, -> -> Basically I have a requirement where I have to store xml files in the database. -> The table that I visualised for the purpose will contain two columns, one being -> the key (varchar) and the other for the xml file. What data type should I use -> for the second column. -> -> Are there any inherent problems with the above mentioned design like size of the -> file, or any other limitations that I don't foresee. -> -> Please let me know your thoughts. -> -> Awaiting your reply. -> -> Thanks & Regards -> -> I. Siva -> -> -- -> Sivaramakrishnan I -> AdventNet (India) Development center. Madras, India. -> Phone: 91 44 243 2414 -> -> -> お疲れ様です。 よろしゅく! --------------------------- サービス開発部 パティ (a) ティル 内線−2402 --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Before posting, please check: (the manual) (the list archive) To request this thread, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Trouble unsubscribing? Try:

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