I have my database created on my ISP's server.  I can telnet to it and log in.  I have 
created my table.  I inserted 4 test records.  I have written my .php3 pages and pull 
the data and get the results I want.  Now.... I need to populate the table with 
hundreds of records exported out of Peachtree.  I can get a tab delimited file, no 
problem.  I will clear this table weekly and re-import the entire record set, so I 
obviously do not want to insert record by record.

I telnet to my ISP, login, then login to the mysql server with mysql 
-hlocalhost.isp.com. -p databasename
Then from mysql>, I type: mysqlimport -d --local cur myfile.txt

where -d means delete the existing records, --local means get the file from the 
client, cur is my table and myfile.txt is the file on my hard drive.  Again, I get 
parse errors.  

Any thoughts on the command string?  
Also, how do I specify the folder on the client?  (c:\a\myfile.txt)

Thanks once again, the list has been very helpful.  Really, I hope this has to be my 
last question!


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