Try as suggested below then.  Break up the file and feed each half into the
db and find where the problem lies.  You may also need to change your dump
commands slightly so that import is ok in future.  Because you upgraded, the
names of one of your tables or columns may now be a reserved word?!?!?!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chad Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 23:03
Subject: Re: load large data files?

> I have had a similiar problem.  Every morning I run a mysqlimport.  The
file I import is about 500 meg.  This ran fine for months but I upgraded to
3.23.33 and now the import has hung three times.
> >>> "Rolf Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/27/01 11:04PM >>>
> You really should reply to the list and not just me.  I may not be able to
> help you or I may not have the time.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lisa M. FitzGerald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Rolf Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:07
> Subject: Re: load large data files?
> > Rolf,
> >
> > -The file I'm loading is a text file with 18 tab-delimited fields.
> > -I am not out of disk space or anywhere near.
> I didn't think you would be.
> > -All the columns match the type definitions for the table.  I admit
> > that I haven't looked at every row in both data files, but
> > the file was dumped (somehow) out of a mysql db by someone else
> > and now I am trying to recreate the database on my server.  It
> > came out of mysql, it should go back in.
> That all depends on how it was dumped.  I do not know the answer to this
> what I suggest is that you check the whole file to see if there is some
> of problem.  Check for things like use of reserved words for table/column
> names, unescaped special characters, etc.
> Now, it is a huge file, so what you may be able to do is break it in half
> and continuously do that until you find the problem/s.
> > -When the process 'hangs' mysqladmin says its still running
> > even though the sizes of the table files haven't changed in hours.
> >
> > bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p process
> > Enter password:
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > | Id | User | Host      | db  | Command   | Time  | State |
> > Info                                                                  |
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > | 2  | root | localhost | hg5 | Query     | 55734 |       | LOAD DATA
> > "/opt/usr/local/mysql/mrna1.txt" INTO TABLE hg5.mrna |
> > | 11 | root | localhost |     | Processes | 0     |
> > |
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > When it is in this state, 'running' but not actually doing anything,
> on
> > my machine is full utilized and I can't get do anything else in any open
> > mysql session I have running, and I can't open a new mysql session.
> >
> > The disk on my machine (where the mysql code lives but not the db)
> > is also grinding away, but not seeming to do anything.
> >
> > If I kill it with mysqladmin kill 2, it shows up as killed in the
> processlist,
> > but never actually dies.  I still can't do anything else in any mysql
> session.
> >
> > I then try to kill the server using mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown
> > It says it did it, but it doesn't.  The server keeps running.  I can see
> > it running on top, 1cpu is still fully utilized, and if I try to
> > the server it says the server is till running.
> >
> > The only way I have found to kill the server is to use UNIX kill for all
> > the mysql processes.
> >
> > I have done this 6 or 7 times now, always with the same pattern as
> > The load hangs, I can't kill the process, I cant shutdown the server
> > gracefully.
> >
> > I've already loaded 338 tables with data from the same source and they
> > loaded fine.  Its just these last two that fail.  They sent individual
> files
> > with each of the 340 table definitions, and 340 files with the data for
> > each table.
> >
> > I'm not sure what you meant about putting a symbolic link to the data in
> > the database.  The whole database is already accessed by a
> > symbolic link from the mysql/var directory to where I have built
> > the database.  The individual table files built by mysql are binary,
> > so clearly mysql is formatting them some how.  So if I just have a
> > tab-delimited text file, can I just point to it rather than loading it
> Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear.  I didn't mean a symbolic link.  For example
> your files were pictures  or music, just store the files on your hard
> and store the URL/location in the database instead.  But obviously they're
> not.
> >
> > Right now I've divided one of the files into many peices and am trying
> > load the parts, but I don't think this should be necessary and I'd
> > not have to do this every time I reload data updates.
> As mentioned above, a good idea.  But just be careful on how you dump the
> in future.
> > more observations:
> > If I re-start the server and try to access the table its says there are
> > rows, eventhough the actual table files are quite large.
> >
> > database files
> > -rw-rw----   1 lmfitzg  pronet   82500000 Feb 27 12:25
> > /home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.ISD
> > -rw-rw----   1 lmfitzg  pronet   144540672 Feb 27 14:33
> > /home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.ISM
> > -rw-rw----   1 lmfitzg  pronet      9073 Feb 27 10:49
> > /home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.frm
> >
> > note time on ISM file keeps incrementing even though the file itself is
> not
> > changing size
> > and the .ISD file is neither changing size nor timestamp.
> >
> > I ran myisamcheck on the .ISM file.
> Ouch, this is a no no.  Use isamcheck on isam file and myisamcheck on
> files.  What version of mysql do you have?  Should you do an upgrade and
> you upgrade your tables to myism?
> >
> >  bin/isamchk /home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.ISM
> > Checking ISAM file: /home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.ISM
> > Data records:       0   Deleted blocks:       0
> > - check file-size
> > bin/isamchk: warning: Size of indexfile is: 144540672      Should be:
> > bin/isamchk: warning: Size of datafile is: 82500000       Should be: 0
> > - check delete-chain
> > - check index reference
> > - check data record references index: 1
> > - check data record references index: 2
> > - check data record references index: 3
> > - check data record references index: 4
> > - check data record references index: 5
> > - check data record references index: 6
> > - check data record references index: 7
> > - check data record references index: 8
> > - check data record references index: 9
> > - check data record references index: 10
> > - check data record references index: 11
> > - check data record references index: 12
> > - check data record references index: 13
> > ISAM-table '/home/lmfitzg/MYSQL/db/hg5/mrna.ISM' is useable but should
> fixed
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> >
> > Lisa
> >
> >
> >  Hopkins wrote:
> >
> > > I'm presuming that hard drive space isn't a problem.
> > >
> > > What is it you're trying to import that's so large?  regular data?
> graphics?
> > > music?  Can you store the files on your hard drive instead and just
> store
> > > the link in the database? Are the fields, of the table you are
> > > too, of an appropriate type?
> > >
> > > >
> > > > I am trying to load two tables from space-delimited files.
> > > > Both are quite large.
> > > > Neither ever seems to finish. I have allowed them to run for days.
> > > > The file sizes of the table files increase for a while and stop,
> > > > but the mysql cursor never returns,  'mysqlamysqladmin processlist'
> > > > says the process is still running, top says the process mysql is
> > > > taking up an entire CPU, but nothing is happening.  When this
> > > > happens I can't do anything else in the database.
> > > >
> > > > I have tried LOAD DATA INFILE from the mysql prompt,
> > > > and mysqlimport from the command line (which launches LOAD
> > > > DATA INFILE), both with the same results.
> > > >
> > > >         file size
> > > > file 1: 342580425 FAILS
> > > > file 2: 233952880 FAILS
> > > > file 3: 156121911 WORKS
> > > >
> > > > I am running Sun Solaris 8, which allows file sizes over 2gig. Is
> there
> > > > a file size limit for mysql?  Is there some setting I need to
> > > > allow import of large files?  Is there some different/better way
> > > > to import data than what I have tried?
> > > >
> > > > The only way I have found to stop the process is to kill the server.
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