They replaced your MySQL with a new version.
Did they re-compile Apache and PHP to use the new MySQL libraries,
or is it trying to use the now missing ones?

Celso Pires wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've got a site hosted at an ISP and everything was going well when they
> decided to upgrade the software.  Now my site is running under Win2K, IIS5,
> MySQL 3.23.33 and MyODBC 2.50.36.
> In order to get easier to explain what is going wrong, I've built the
> following test:
> CREATE TABLE person (
>         person_ID INTEGER NULL,
>         name CHAR(50) NULL,
>         gender CHAR(1) NULL
> );
> INSERT INTO person (person_id, name, gender) values
> (1,'Bob','m'),(2,'Mary','f'),(3,'Antony','m'),(4,'Rose','f'),(5,'Kuerten','m');
> mysql> select count(*) as quantity, gender
>     -> from person
>     -> group by gender;
> +----------+--------+
> | quantity | gender |
> +----------+--------+
> |        2 | f      |
> |        3 | m      |
> +----------+--------+
> 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
> *** As you can realize, so far so good. Now things get worse ***
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>GROUP BY TEST</title>
> </head>
> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
> <%
> Response.Write "Begin<br>"
> strConn =
> "DRIVER=MySQL;SERVER=myserver;DATABASE=mydatabase;UID=myuser;PWD=mypass;"
> Set conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
> conn.Open(strConn)
> strSQL = "select count(*) as quantity, gender "
> strSQL = strSQL & "from person "
> strSQL = strSQL & "group by gender;"
> Response.Write strSQL & "<BR>"
> Set Rs = conn.Execute(strSQL)
> While Not Rs.EOF
>    Response.Write "Quantity: " & RS("quantity") & " - Gender: " &
> RS("gender") & "<BR>"
>    Rs.MoveNext
> Wend
> Rs.Close
> conn.close
> response.write "The End<br>"
> %>
> </body>
> </html>
> *** The page above should print:
> Begin
> select count(*) as quantity, gender from person group by gender;
> Quantity: 2 - Gender: f
> Quantity: 3 - Gender: m
> The End
> *** Instead, I'm getting this:
> Begin
> select count(*) as quantity, gender from person group by gender;
> The End
> *** It means that the record set is empty.
> Thank you very much for any help.
> Regards,
> Celso.
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