On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:37:30PM +0100, Entryon Corp., Chief Technical Officer - P. 
Hasenfratz wrote:
> > > Why not use a timestamp column to guarentee the order in which rows get
> > > inserted into the table? You can then order on the timestamp column.
> >
> > Hmm, timestamp, ie. seconds as finest resolution, might be to broad
> depending on
> > the hits his site will get - imagine that 2+ users access the site in the
> same
> > second, then you won't be able to distinguish them, will you?
> What's if you combine a timestamp with the client's IP address?
> for example:
> 5/6/2001
> IP :
> => clientstamp will be 05.06.2001-

Besides the fakt tha this ID not unique. There ist the Problem that 
the ID you proposed ist an String ID and strings als Index are the 
Major Preformance killer on Databases. Wie kann calculate an intager 
from the two information. totaly loosing the Uniqueness. 

The question still is. Why are auto_increment columns are not supported 
fuer Heap Tables. 



Gerhard Schmidt                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adMaster network                                  Tel.: +49 89 38356-334
Kaiserstraße 16
D-80801 München                           http://www.admasternetwork.net

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