Hey all.

I asked a question on the list before, but didn't really get any replies so
I'd like to take another shot and give some more specifics.

I'm using MySQL running Win2K Prof with 128 MB RAM, 7200 DMA100 IDE drive,
I'm connecting to the MySQL server through MyODBC from a Visual Basic app
running on between 2 and 7 clients that are running Win98 SE.

At any given time, the maximum number of active connections to the database
8 or less (usually 5 or less).

When our application starts, it esatblishes a connection to the database
server and maintains until the app is shut down.

The activity on the database comprises about 50% SELECT and 50% INSERTS and
UPDATES.  It's a Point of Sale app and there can be a lot of activity which
is why we moved from Acccess DB's to MySQL (speed and cost).

Most of the suggestions that I read on this list concerning tweeking the
MySQL server are more or less, in the context of operating on a WebServer.
What I'd like to know is what's a good starting point for us given the type
of application we're running and the low number of clients connected to the

For instance, Max Connections is set to 100.  Do I need that or are there
resources being reserved somewhere for those "potential" clients?  What
about the other setting (I forgot the name) that allows you to allocate
more memory for various things like indexing?

Also, we seem to do a lot more INSERTS and UPDATES than many people I've
seen posting on this list.  What setting are (if any) can be tweeked to
better handle that type of activity?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lee Jenkins

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