Hello Listers,

I am using mysql and I am trying to get a SQL statement to work. I have 
designed a query in Microsoft Access and I am changing the syntax so that 
it will run from Perl against a mysql database. Here is the code:

# from Access
#SELECT DISTINCTROW Query1.licenceNo, Query1.subCCYYMM
#FROM Query1
#WHERE (((Query1.licenceNo) In (SELECT [licenceNo] FROM [Query1] As Tmp 
GROUP BY [licenceNo] HAVING Count(*)=1 )) AND ((Query1.subCCYYMM)="200103"))
#ORDER BY Query1.licenceNo;

# in the Perl program
         $sql = "SELECT licenceNo, provinceCode ".
                         "FROM Query1 ".
                         "WHERE subCCYYMM = '200103' and licenceNo IN 
(SELECT licenceNo FROM Query1 As Temp GROUP BY licenceNo HAVING COUNT(*)=1) ".
                         "ORDER BY licenceNo ";

The server chokes on the SELECT in the WHERE statement. I have a great 
mysql book, but it doesn't cover a SELECT in a  WHERE clause.

The background is as follows. Table Query1 is a historical file with lots 
of records. Records have a unique index of licenceNo and subCCYYMM. I am 
trying to find records that have only one occurrence for a licenceNo and 
the subCCYYMM is 200103. That is, find only the historical records for a 
licenceNo where March is the only record.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


Jim Hamer

Downtown Data Processing Inc.
(416) 489-3298 home and office
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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