Are the Mysql supplied statically linked binaries built using these optimised glibc 
2.2 libraries, or are they just the stock standard 2.1.3 libraries?

Richard Ellerbrock

>>> Sinisa Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2001/04/05 05:06:45 >>>
Peter Zaitsev writes:
 > Hello mysql,
 >   I've resenty tried to becnhmark mysql in really simple case.
 >   I need to select indexes really fast so I did "select * from pages
 >   where hash=11" there  was a key on hash and the query returned only
 >   one row. The query was constant and server ad no other load.
 >   I've run this on 2CPU PIII-700 under 2.2.18aa2 and  on one CPU
 >   PIII700 on 2.4.2 The results are about 3300 req/sec and the second
 >   one about 1800 req/sec. Unix domain sockets was used.
 >   I found the rather huge number of context swithches in first case:
 >  2  0  0   3296 265244 104848 111472   0   0     0     0  103 27570  41  19  40
 >  2  0  0   3296 265244 104848 111472   0   0     0     0  103 27690  38  21  41
 >  0  0  0   3296 265344 104848 111472   0   0     0     0  104 26405  37  18  46
 >  the second one looked better, but not much if you'll look at about 2
 >  times speed difference:
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  105  7946  84  16   0
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  106  7942  88  12   0
 >  2  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     4  110  7968  82  18   0
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  105  7966  81  19   0
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  105  7965  81  19   0
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  105  7948  83  17   0
 >  1  0  0     24  58656   1480 298180   0   0     0     0  105  7964  85  15   0
 >  I  tried to run  dumb query "select 10" and got about 7000 queries on
 >  second machine - which is 4 times faster then query which touches the
 >  table.
 >  Has anyone any ideas about if this speed is peek - I have heard
 >  people having 10000 of inserts/sec into table with no indexes with
 >  mysql and so on so I was a bit surprised about this low perfomance,
 >  which is more likely to be not because of connection or pharsing
 >  speed as "select 10" works fast, and just the I/O needed should not
 >  take so much then everything should be in memory.
 >  The another story is - I've tried few time ago read speed of reiserfs
 >  - I created 1000000 of files, each ten bytes in size  and I was able
 >  to  read this file set in speed of 25000/sec - I mean open/read/close
 >  - so select speed of about 2K queries per second looks quite
 >  surprising, then most of this time is not because of communication
 >  but because of really accessing the table.
 > -- 
 > Best regards,
 >  Peter                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


In order to increase speed you shuuld apply our glibc 2.2 patches and
rebuild glibc and mysql.

Our Sasha Pachev even has some new additions to glibc 2.2, which he
will made available too..



      ____  __     _____   _____  ___     ==  MySQL AB
     /*/\*\/\*\   /*/ \*\ /*/ \*\ |*|     Sinisa Milivojevic
    /*/ /*/ /*/   \*\_   |*|   |*||*|     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   /*/ /*/ /*/\*\/*/  \*\|*|   |*||*|     Larnaca, Cyprus
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