I have a table, that DOES NOT have a primary key, but is setup like this:

      Field Type Attributes Null Default Extra Action 
      PageID  int(11)    No  0    Change Drop Primary Index Unique 
      ArticleID  int(11)    No  0    Change Drop Primary Index Unique 
      PageTitle  text    No      Change Drop Primary Index Unique 
      Text  text    No      Change Drop Primary Index Unique 

However, for some reason (I think I know why, but its not important) I have two of 
every entry.  Such as this:

1    69    words words
2    69    words words more
3    69    words words most
1    69    words words
2    69    words words more
3    69    words words most

So, when I am calling info from this database, I get doubles of each result.  How can 
I delete just one of each entry, so I am left with just:

1    69    words words
2    69    words words more
3    69    words words most

I can't do the delete that I was thinking about:

Delete FROM Pages Where Pageid=1 and articleid=69 because that would delete BOTH of 
them.  Doh!  Any help?

Ryan Shrout
Production Manager

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