Marvin Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have just recently moved 1 of our InnoDB cache servers to a new much
> bigger machine, 4 CPU, 8GB Ram and masses amount of disk space available
> from a SAN.  The OS is Redhat AS 3 with kernel 2.4.  MySQL is the only
> application on this machine and its the latest stable release of 4.0.x.
> Throughout the day most of the queries are inserts and selects and the
> machine runs no problem with the mysql sitting at about 1.6Gb in memory.

> At night we run an expiry job where we clean our expired records from the
> cache, there are a few million records removed.  The job runs for about 4/5
> hours but for some reason the machine starts to use swapspace.  I dont
> understand why the machine would use it.  The MySQL process never goes above
> 2GB RAM in memory so where does all the other memory on the machine
> disappear to.

1. Have you watched MySQL processes with top command? 
2. Have you tried to swapoff -a  ? 
3. What are your MySQL variables settings? 

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