hi! im new to the php community and i hope i can find my place in here.
Im new to php programming, but im a fast learner. Lately im experiencing a tricky 
I have installed an apache web server, mysql and php 4 and i have run several programs 
with my current configuration of my php.ini and httpd.conf.
But when i tried using mysql, the problem arises. You see, i cant create my own 
database!! it says an error occured, saying access denied for user: '@localhost' to 
database 'sample'
I know i have to connect first to the server. I tried issuing the command like this:
mysql> mysql -h localhost -u root -p;
but it says error in syntax. if i take out the semi colon, the shell would just add a 
'->' below.
I have check mywinmysqladmin, my.ini Setup tab, and found these values that might be 
of help:
On the winmysqladmin, environment tab, these values appear:
Local host name: HYPER-GLENCE
Local user name: Lance
Local IP address:
Another, i have learnd the command SELECT USER(); the result is:
I have tried substituting the value like:
mysql> mysql -h localhost -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -p;
mysql> mysql -h HYPER-GLENCE -u Lance -p;
mysql> mysql -h -u root -p;
still, the same problem happens. In the tutorial, typing the command without the ';' 
is shown, but '->' shows below, so if i add that symbol, still th error occurs.

The fun part is, i tried playing with the test database. First, USE TEST command, it 
was successful!! I was able to play with insert, select, update and delete command and 
all went well!!. It seems that my current log in was the only problem, but i cant fix 
Please help me. I really need this, because im on self study situation for my 
education, im a graduating and i need this to shape my future!!
The following information may also help.
1. im running on a stand alone computer.
2. In my winmysqladmin service that runs at startup, in its database tab, this shows:
 [-]hyper-glence (

another that might be of interest, when my winmysqladmin runs at startup, in the 
environment tab says 'Not Found Driver 3.51 Not Found'. Is this related?
Ok last, i tried using php to connect using mysql_connect, substituting the same 
values that might do the trick, but the same. heres the sysntax:

$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('HYPER-GLENCE', 'Lance', 'glence');
if (!$dbcnx) {
echo( '<p>Unable to connect to the database server at this time.</p>' );
else {
I ask humbly hose who know, please, please help me!! im running out of time and luck!! 
thank you to those who will reply,also to those who even cared reading....
God bless everyone.

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