Right, I have set up some tables with text columns that will need full text searching, 
In those cases I chose myisam. 
Is there any danger in changing table types on the fly ? Not including the loss of any 
foreign keys that may have been set up (innodb to myisam). I'm wondering more about 
data corruption ?

Joe Audette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
InnoDb doesn't support full text indexes on text columns so if you need to search text 
fields you may want ot use MyISAM. It is perfectly ok to have a mixture of InnoDB and 
MyISAM in a single database so you can make your decision on a table by table basis.


Stuart Felenstein wrote:
I know the major differences between Innodb and MyIsam.
-table locking versus row locks
-foreign key support

I know there are more but those are the ones that stick out in mind.
I think Innodb requires a bit more storage space but I could be wrong.
In some cases foreign key support would be a nice thing. So my questions are:
What is the ultimate criteria for choosing Innodb. And, if I just want it because I 
like to have the luxary of foreign key / cascading etc, is that reason enough to use 



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