MySQL has several functions for dealing with date and time values, many of 
which exist only as of 4.1.x. Which ones are available to you depend on 
your version. Please read:

Actually, I believe that the formula you wrote is almost the statement you 
will need. What I think you are trying to do is to compute the % ELAPSED 
time since the start of the project as compared to the SCHEDULED time.

That formula would look similar to (but not exactly like):

  (End_Date_Actual - Start_Date_Actual)/(End_Date_Scheduled - 
Start_Date_Scheduled) * 100

You want the actual elapsed time (expressed in convenient units, you 
suggested seconds) divided by the scheduled elapsed time (expressed in the 
same units) then multiplied by 100 to give you a percentage value. Using 
only the functions available pre-4.1 that could look like (forgive the 

(Cast(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(End_Date_Actual) as SIGNED) - 
CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Start_Date_Actual) as 
CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Start_Date_Scheduled) AS SIGNED) * 100

The other option is to get the 4 starting and ending date values and do 
the arithmetic in your programming language, instead. Go with whichever is 
easiest and works best for you.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

"Viswanatha Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/24/2004 03:06:13 PM:

> I am selecting two columns each of type DateTime from a mysql table from
> perl.
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT End_Date_Scheduled, End_Date_Actual FROM
> Table1 WHERE ID='10'" );
> $sth->execute();
> while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
>     print"Found: end date scheduled = $ref->{'End_Date_Scheduled'}, end
> date actual = $ref->{'End_Date_Actual'}\n";
> }
> $sth->finish();
> It works.
> However, I need to find the % ratio = ((end_date_scheduled -
> end_date_actual)/end_date_scheduled) * 100
> To do this I need the DateTime values in seconds. Can someone help me
> with this?
> Best Regards
> Vishwa Rao

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