Yes, I think that _may_ solve your problem. Try granting only INSERT and 
UPDATE on the table then grant only SELECT permission on the ID column (I 
assume it's autoincrementing?) and the user_id column. If you don't make 
the user_id column visible, how will you ever discover the correct ID to 
update? (Unless there is only ever 1 record per user_id in which case you 
won't need an auto_incrementing ID column and you will already know which 
user_id to update....hmmm....maybe I should think just a bit more before I 
start typing... :-)   )

You only need to expose what would be public knowledge anyway, right? I 
think your encrypted data will still be protected by the database so long 
as the invaders do not get ahold of a privileged account.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Todd Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/30/2004 04:30:24 PM:

> Thinking about this some more, it might be possible to achieve what my 
> email suggests by allowing select on the primary key column.  Or would 
> set us back again?  Thoughts?
> Todd

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