Stored procedures are in the works for MySQL 5.0:

The manual is your friend.



Jacob, Raymond A Jr wrote:
Firstly, I do appologize for my ignorance in advance. I read the message regarding PRODUCT() and
thought to myself:"A perl interpreter can be run in a C program. Some one must have written
a userdefined function that can execute perl code. Googling I found at
Looking at the readme file myperl is mysql userdefined function that executes
perl code contained in a table in the select statement. The command line
version of mysql also has the ability to start an editor. Theoretically,
one could:
1. create a table:
Create table user.sparky.functions ( name TEXT NOT NULL , code TEXT NOT NULL );
2. \e myfunc.mypl
3. LOAD DATA IN FILE myfunc.mypl
INTO TABLE user.sparky.functions; 4. /* assume no errors */
Select myfunc(code, colum_data)
from user.sparky.functions, data_table
where (code = myperl_code ) and
( column_data = "what I am looking for" );

If and I stress if my assumptions are valid, then stored procedure calls could be
written in any interpreted language with an interpreter that can be linked into
mysql. Of course from a security stand point this could be dangerous but
chrooted brain dead interperter with limited functionality and limits
on the amount of disk space and memory that can be used should solve those problems.
One interesting consequence of the development of infrastructure to support
the development of stored procedure calls is that IDE developers that support
mysql would have new market to potentially exploit in a corporate enviroment
i.e. run code and get metrics such as how long it to process data i.e. Hi,Lo, Avg.
In conclusion, I appologize for my ignorance again however I must still ask:
Is their still any reason why Stored Procedure calls are not supported in MySql?
Thank you,
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:29:35 -0400
To: "Thomas Schager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From: "Sapenov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "PRODUCT()" function - calculating the product of grouped numeric values
Hello Thomas,
You probably may consider to write a UDF to do that.
Here is a list of available UDF extensions for 4.0.20 -
Khazret Sapenov
myperl (default) 0.8
2004-01-12 07:58:51 About myperl allows you to execute Perl from inside of MySQL. It can either be stored in a row, or it can be specified in your SQL statement. You also can select other columns which will be passed to Perl.

Changes * Added support for the perl interpreter to persist for requests

* re-aranged package to meet CPAN spec.

* Fix for myperlgroup (it was calling itself too frequently)



Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:48:55 -0400
To: Per Lonnborg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Michael Stassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SELECT, ORDER & one DISTINCT kolumn?

Per Lonnborg wrote:


Here´s a question from a newbie:

I have a database containing ET-times for drivers and their cars.
On the web startpage ( i have made
a "Top-10" list containing the 10 fastest times.

I'll guess column names based on the web page.

I have 2 problems:

1. How to select just ONE (the fastest of course) time per uniqe driver&car?

   SELECT namm, fabrikat, MIN(tid) AS fastest_tid
   FROM ettan
   GROUP BY namm, fabrikat
   ORDER BY fastest_tid DESC LIMIT 10;

2.IF the driver/car has run some race faster than 7,5 secs, he/she is disqualified
and should not be on the "Top-10" at all.

   SELECT namm, fabrikat, MIN(tid) AS fastest_tid
   FROM ettan
   GROUP BY namm, fabrikat
   HAVING fastest_tid >= 7.5
   ORDER BY fastest_tid LIMIT 10;

The query I use right now is:

Select * from ettan where tid >=7.5  ORDER BY tid LIMIT 10

Stockholm, Sweden

Note that I only selected aggregate values and grouped columns. If you need the values of non-grouped columns (ort, datum, 60fot, hast) which correspond to the minimum times, you'll need to do a bit more. The manuaal describes 3 methods <>.

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