On 31 Aug 2004 at 17:33, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

> I've tested mysql in my high school lab running from an administrator 
> and from a student account, both from within the Cygwin terminal, and 
> at the Windows command prompt. From the administrator account, it runs 
> fine for hours. From the student account, it promptly (within 15 
> seconds or so) crashes with the same error each time. I managed to 
> write down the error:


First of all:  why are you running the server from a students account?

The server should be running as a system service.  Open up the services control 
panel and check whether MySQL is listed.  If it is not you need to install it by 
the command

c:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe -install

from a command prompt whilst logged in as an adiminstrator.

You can then set the service to run automatically at boot in the services control 
panel ( I think this the default anyway ).

> Is there something that non-administrators need access to that could be 
> causing the problem?

If you REALLY need to run the server under an unprivelaged account then make 
sure the student has full permissions on the c:\mysql folder ( or wherever its 
installed) and ALL subdirectories.  You may need to do more - I have never run 
MySQL this way   (check the manual : http://dev.mysql.com) .

> Could it be an SP2 issue?

You should also set the permissions in the new SP2 firewall so that MySQL can 
open TCP port 3306.  Or switch it off and install a real firewall ;)

Hope this helps


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