The question:

Is there anything in MySQL that will allow me to determine, accurately, the
last auto-incremented field from a particular database, so I can then insert
based upon this into another table? What if 2 users input at the same time?
Please see the 'long explanation' for further details.


Long explanation:

I've been reading over the previous thread for this. I am faced with a
similar situation and would appreciate some syntax assistance. I am only
partially finished.

I have 2 tables to insert into:

When a new entry is entered via an INSERT statement I have set up, an
auto-increment integer is assigned (Candidate_ID) in the 'candidate' table.
This insert is structured in PHP:

$query = "INSERT INTO candidate (Last_Name, First_Name, Middle_Initial,
Condition_Type, Employer, Country_ID, Visa_Status, Dt_Visa, MMDD_Birth, SSN,
CSG_Comments, Working, Available, Start_Date, Location, HoldOnPeriod,
Relocation, Tech_Ranking, Comm_Ranking, Availability, Cert_Comments,
Dt_Submitted, Def_Rate, Def_Rate_Unit, Other_Country, Currency_id,
Interview_Availability, Interview_Contact, US_Experience, Location_Country)
values ('$lastname', '$firstname', '$middle', '', '$Employer', '', '',
'$visa_dt', '$MMDD_Birth', '$ssn', '$csg_comments', '$working',
'$Available', '', '$location', '', '$relocation', '$Tech_Ranking',
'$Comm_Ranking', '', '$cert_comments', '', '$Def_Rate', '$Def_Rate_Unit',
'', '', '$interview_availability', '$interview_contact', '$US_Experience',

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());

Now, having entered that data, I need to insert different fields from my
form into 'resume'; syntax is probably the same, but where I'm stuck is how
to determine what auto-incremented number was assigned to the entry in
candidate, so I can then insert columns based on this.

resume is structured as so:

Field   Type    Null    Default
Candidate_ID    int(10)         Yes     NULL
Section_ID      int(10)         Yes     NULL
Section_Value   longtext        Yes     NULL

Scenario is as follows:

New entry: James Brown, is assigned 10700 for Candidate_ID and is inserted
into table 'candidate'.

Following this insert, insert is required for 6 rows of data into table
Candidate_ID must be 10700 / Section_ID = 1 / Section_Value = some form data
from textbox
Candidate_ID must be 10700 / Section_ID = 2 / Section_Value = some form data
from a different textbox
etc. until Section_ID 6.

How would I go about setting this up for resume, now that it's set up for


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