Hi folks,  heres a real stupid question,   but Im baffled.....  I am running  MySQL v 
. 4.1.3b-beta-nt ,   JVM 1.4.2_05-b04 by SUN,
Tomcat 5.0.27,    Windows 2000 Server....

Im attempting to run SERVLETS for my application.....

I have a HTML form to kick off my application in Tomcat App Manager....  It has 2 
options on it,    Company Login and User Login.....
Company Login opens a new window to accept the Login-id and password,  calls a Servlet 
to Open MySql, update it, close it.... then closes the window returning to the HTML 

User Login opens a new window to accept the Login-id and password,  calls a Servlet to 
Open MySql, update it, close it.... then continues on into the application....

My problem is this,  I log into the company, it accepts all the data, opens, updates, 
closes Myql all with a Sqlstate = 00000 (perfect)

I then log attemp to log into the USER and when it attempts to open the database,  it 
returns SQLSTATE = 08002 (connection already in use)... Any other calls to database 
result in SQLSTATE = 08000  (connection exception)

if I back out to Tomcat App Manger, Stop the Application,  then Start the application, 
  go back into the HTML screen and choose LOGIN USER,   I accept the variables,   open 
the database, update it, and close it,  all with SQLSTATE = 00000.....

It seems,   that the connection is not being released after I do updates,  I get a ONE 
TIME connect, update.......

My code for the disconnect is pretty simple....


disconnect all

So I thought,   maybe I need a QUIT statement,  I changed to......

Disconnect all

The QUIT command throws an SQLSTATE = 42000  (invalid syntax....)

Is QUIT not supported under MYSQL????

can anyone ofer me CLUES as to why it may not be Disconnected successfuly....

Im desperate here....


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