
I am having a problem retrieving the number of records matching a certain condition 
from the database.
I have a large table of about 3 millions records

A simple query like the one below returns me the results

select * use index(category) from books
where category=1 limit 0,10

This query takes about 0.01 seconds since I have an index on the category column

When I try to retrieve the number of rows matching this condition I am using one of 
the following 2 queries

1. select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * use index(category)  from books
where category=1 limit 0,10

and then I retrieve the needed result using FOUND_ROWS()... This query where I make 
use of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS takes about 15 seconds

2. select count(*)  use index(category)  from books where category=1

which returns me the needed result...  This query takes about 3 seconds

using explain on both queries I notice that the first query is not using anymore the 
index and I cannot figure out exactly why...

However the main problem is that each query is way to slowly and I cannot figure out 
any other better method to retrieve this result... I am missing anything here? Is 
there any other better method to return the number of results with a certain condition 
for a large database?

Any help would be really appreciated


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