Hi folks,   Im dying here slowly.....   Can anyone tell me what an =
SqlState 08000 (connection exception) REALLY MEANS.... Is it as obvious =
as I think it is,  Im NOT CONNECTED to MySQL,  and if so,   why not =
08003 (connection does not exist)...

I have a major problem, Im running Windows 2000 Server,  MySql v =
4.1.3b-beta-nt, ConnectorJ v 3.0.11-stable-bin and running Servlets on =
Tomcat v 5.0.27 and attempting to run Connection Pooling.....

PLEASE, if anyone is running this sort of configuration, email me =
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED], I desperately need some minor help, =
I been wallowing in this quagmire for 2 weeks to no avail...... And Im =
sure its just something simple......

Thank you to anyone kind enuf to help me....


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