I have this query (below) that on it's own , directly into the database seems to return all the records just fine. Apparently though feeding it into a php loop, the lack of "where" is causing great distress(at least to the author)
I'm wondering where to put it though. Before each join ? And then what does the "from" imply. Hope I make sense here, delirium is setting in. :) Select VendorJobs.JobID, VendorJobs.PostStart, VendorJobs.JobTitle, VendorJobs.AreaCode, VendorJobs.PayRate, VendorJobs.Contact, VendorJobs.Conmail, VendorSignUp.CompanyName, StaIndTypes.CareerCategories, StaUSCities.City, USStates.States, staTaxTerm.TaxTerm, staTravelReq.TravelReq From (((((VendorJobs VendorJobs INNER JOIN VendorSignUp VendorSignUp ON (VendorJobs.VendorID = VendorSignUp.VendorID)) INNER JOIN StaIndTypes StaIndTypes ON (VendorJobs.Industry = StaIndTypes.CareerIDs)) LEFT OUTER JOIN StaUSCities StaUSCities ON (VendorJobs.LocationCity = StaUSCities.CityID)) INNER JOIN USStates USStates ON (VendorJobs.LocationState = USStates.StateID)) INNER JOIN staTaxTerm staTaxTerm ON (VendorJobs.TaxTerm = staTaxTerm.TaxTermID)) INNER JOIN staTravelReq staTravelReq ON (VendorJobs.TravelReq = staTravelReq.TravelReqID) -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]