Hello All,

I am seeing a small problem in Ring replication where one slave is acting as Local 
Master. See below

M - Super Master
S1/LM1 - Slave of super Master and act as Local Master for S2
S2 - slave of LM1

I ran one Insert on M, it showd up on S1/LM1 but it did not showed up in S2.

What I can see that S1 I/O thread bring that transaction in relay log on S1 and apply 
it but it did not consider as write on s1/LM1 resulting that binlog do not have record 
of it. Since binlog do not hast it, so it did not replicate to S2.

Am I missing anything here?

As per our requirement that transaction should also showed up in S2 too?

It's obivious to think that make S2 as direct slave of M but it is not accepted 
because things r bit complicated here.

Is there any specific configuration thing to acheive a slave as local master for 
another slave.

Any help will be highly appreciable.


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