
>        I have some questions. I need urgent solutions for these. Could you
spare some time for me for helping me. I hope you can.
> 1) Is MySQL 4.0 Classic version is free downlodable?. If so, can you give
me the url please?.
> 2)  What will be the equivalent of Pro*C API's in MySql?. For this what
API's i have to use?. Could you give me the reference links/documentation?.
> 3) What are the equivalent alternatives for using Stored procedures of
Oracle 7.3 in MySQL 4.0 classic version?.

There isn't any.

> 4) What are the equivalent alternatives for using Triggers of Oracle 7.3
in MySQL 4.0 classic version?.

There isn't any.

> 5) What are the equivalent alternatives for using Views of Oracle 7.3 in
MySQL 4.0 classic version?.

There isn't any.

> 6) What are the equivalent alternatives for using Transaction locks of
Oracle 7.3 in MySQL 4.0 classic version?.

There isn't any.

> 7) What are the equivalent alternatives for using primary/foriegn keys of
Oracle 7.3 in MySQL 4.0 classic version?.

There is no alternative for Foreign Keys in Classic.

Primary keys are available in other table types as well.

Only InnoDB tables have transactions and foreign keys, but not CHECK

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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