
You can try to add an index on (put,front,topcategory,putdatetime) to avoid
MySQL has to do a filesorting on the data returned. (I assume you're using
MySQL 4.x)

  Jocelyn Fournier

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dirk Schippers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 10:25 PM
Subject: Query takes terribly long

> Hello,
> I have this MyISAM table "story" (52MB):
> | Field       | Type                | Null | Key | Default             |
> Extra          |
> | id          | int(10) unsigned    |      | PRI | [NULL]              |
> auto_increment |
> | sequelof    | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | prevsequel  | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | userid      | int(10) unsigned    |      | MUL | 0
> |                |
> | title       | varchar(255)        | YES  |     | [NULL]
> |                |
> | topcategory | tinyint(3) unsigned |      |     | 1
> |                |
> | category    | tinyint(3) unsigned |      |     | 1
> |                |
> | rated       | tinyint(1) unsigned |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | language    | tinyint(3) unsigned |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | font        | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 1
> |                |
> | fontsize    | varchar(4)          |      |     | 2
> |                |
> | story       | mediumtext          |      |     |
> |                |
> | note        | text                |      |     |
> |                |
> | adddatetime | datetime            |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> |                |
> | putdatetime | datetime            |      | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> |                |
> | put         | tinyint(1)          |      | MUL | 0
> |                |
> | putby       | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | approvedby  | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | blockbot    | tinyint(1) unsigned |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | front       | tinyint(1)          |      |     | 1
> |                |
> | selection   | tinyint(1)          |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | timesread   | int(10) unsigned    |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | ipnumber    | varchar(20)         |      |     |
> |                |
> | words       | int(11)             |      |     | 0
> |                |
> | review      | tinyint(1) unsigned |      | MUL | 0
> |                |
> | avgscore    | int(10) unsigned    | YES  |     | [NULL]
> |                |
> | numvotes    | int(10) unsigned    | YES  |     | [NULL]
> |                |
> | numreacts   | int(10) unsigned    | YES  |     | [NULL]
> |                |
> with indexes: id = primary, putdatetime, userid,
> {put,front,topcategory,approvedby} and review.
> If I want to know the 30 most recently added and approved items, I do
> the following simple query:
> SELECT id FROM story WHERE put=1 AND front=1 AND topcategory=1 ORDER BY
> putdatetime DESC LIMIT 0,30
> This query sometimes takes up to 10 seconds!!!
> I must admit that the cache is disabled at this moment (I want to see
> realistic timings), but still I think 10 seconds is terribly long to
> retrieve 30 id's!
> Explain tells me that it is using the index
> {put,front,topcategory,approvedby} and narrows the query to 5475 rows
> (of the total of 18818).
> The table will certainly grow a lot in the future so I am very worried
> about the performance.
> What can I do about this? Is there any way to improve this?
> Enabling the cache is not an option as the data in the table is altered
> a lot.
> Anyone?
> Dirk.
> -- 
> Schippers Dirk
> Zaakvoerder Frixx-iT
> http://www.frixx-it.com
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