
Am having some problems with phpMyAdmin, GD library and jpegs.

Here is the short version of the story.

I installed phpMyAdmin,  modified a database to install a graphic image into one of 
the tables and it showed the graphic from within phpMyAdmin - no problem.
I then wrote a very simple php route to connect to the database and display the 
record. - that failed with mention of a problem relating to GD library.

I then went to the O'Reilly "Programming PHP" book and discovered that I needed the GD 
library.   It stated that I should be able to do a phpinfo() and find the gd section 
of the report to find out it it was using the GD library.

I got that installed and functioning using a simple example from the O'Reilly book and 
am able to get the black square on the screen.

Now if I go to phpMyAdmin, I am not able to see the graphic in the database like 
before nor can I display the graphic from some basic php code.

Am really stumped on this one.  Can provide more detail to anybody that can assist in 
getting this problem solved.


Sys Admin
Collins Computer Innovations

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