Hi All,

I'm learning mysql among other programs to put together a web page with database in the background. My first goal is to simply produce a crude example for demo purposes, it can be refined a great deal later. I've set up a small mysql data base on a commercial web hosting server. It prevents me from uploading entire data files into a table, I presume because I lack "file" permission on my account. Is it possible for the system administrator to grant me "file" permission on an individual database and not the entire account? Would there be security issues for the web service provider by doing this?

One more ...! Initially I'm going to have small amounts of data sent to the server by email. Would Perl be the language of choice to write some sort of script to intercept the email, strip out the headers and rubbish, and then insert the data into a mysql database? If anyone knows of analogous examples of how to do this I'd be greatful.

Thanks a bunch.



============================================== Jim Maas jamaas btinternet com

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