Newbie type question:

apostrophes ie. a  '  single quote is not "getting into" the database
fields. So if I entererd in a PHP/MYSQL web page entry field: Sally's
Website. When I look directly into the column with the MYSQL cmdline I
see: Sally s Website. Below are the code snips I'm using(I numbered each
snip to show order of execution), wondered what I should do?:


        '<form method="post" action="populate4.php">

            <H3>Url Field</H3>
            <input type="text" name="url_field" size=80 maxlength=199>

            <H3>Title Field</H3>
            <input type="text" name="title_field" size=80 maxlength=199>

            <H3>Description Field</H3>
            <textarea name="descrip_field" rows=15 cols=56

            <H3>Submit keywords with a file <i>or</i> with the text area

            <input TYPE="radio" NAME="Type_Submit" VALUE="radio_file">
            Use Key Word File
            <input TYPE="radio" NAME="Type_Submit" VALUE="radio_area"
            Checked >  Use Key Word Text Area

            <H3>Keyword file</H3>
            <input type="text" name="kw_file" size=40
            maxlength=80><h4><i> or </i></h4>

            <H3>Keyword text area</H3>
            <textarea name="kw_tarea" rows=10 cols=40></textarea>

            <H3>Insert into MYSQL</H3>
            <input type="submit" value="Insert">


2. ....$title_field = $_POST [ 'title_field' ];
$title_field = trim ( $title_field);
$title_field = substr($title_field, 0, 200);
$title_field = EscapeShellCmd($title_field);
if( !$title_field ) {
  die( "You need to put a title in the title field." );
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   $title_field = addslashes($title_field);

3. ....mysql_query("INSERT INTO page (page_url, title, descrip) VALUES
        ('$url_field', '$title_field', '$descrip_field')");....

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