Thanks for the suggestion, but no luck. Here's the explain output for,
in order, my original query, the 2-part query, and the explicit join
(note, not quite like my first post, I had "cleaned up" my tables to
simplify the situation):

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM accounts, transactions WHERE canon_name =
'wms' AND state = 'active' AND id = account_id AND date_stamp BETWEEN
1096588800001 AND 1099267200001;
| table        | type | possible_keys         | key        | key_len | ref         | 
rows | Extra       |
| accounts     | ref  | PRIMARY,canon_name    | canon_name |      11 | const,const |   
 1 | Using where |
| transactions | ref  | date_stamp,account_id | account_id |       3 | |   
35 | Using where |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

The "account_id" key is a 2 column key, "date_stamp" is an 8 byte int
(java-style date stamp), so you can see only the 3-byte account_id part
of the key is used. If I look up the "wms" account ID and plug that in
directly, basically doing two seperate selects to get the data I want, I

mysql> explain SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE account_id = 45 AND
date_stamp BETWEEN 1096588800001 AND 1099267200001;
| table        | type  | possible_keys         | key        | key_len | ref  | rows | 
Extra       |
| transactions | range | date_stamp,account_id | account_id |      11 | NULL |    1 | 
Using where |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Now you can see that the whole index (all 11 bytes) is being used, with
a "range" type, so this is fast. I tried using a join as you
recommended, it gave me:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM accounts JOIN transactions ON account_id =
id AND date_stamp BETWEEN 1096588800001 AND 1099267200001 WHERE
canon_name = 'wms' AND state = 'active';
| table        | type | possible_keys         | key        | key_len | ref         | 
rows | Extra       |
| accounts     | ref  | PRIMARY,canon_name    | canon_name |      11 | const,const |   
 1 | Using where |
| transactions | ref  | date_stamp,account_id | account_id |       3 | |   
35 | Using where |
2 rows in set (0.03 sec)

So, same as the first case - it is just refusing to use a "range" type
of index, even though in some cases this would reduce the number of rows
that must be fetched by a factor of 10 or more.

On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 07:36, Michael Stassen wrote:
> Well, you haven't posted the output of EXPLAIN, but I'll take a guess.  I 
> expect mysql sees your query as having a JOIN condition of 
> accounts.account_id = transactions.account_id and two WHERE conditions:
>    WHERE = 'dave'
>    AND when BETWEEN '2004-02-05' AND '2004-02-10'
> The optimizer first considers the 2 WHERE conditions, looking for the one it 
> believes will result in fewer rows.  Presumably there is an index on 
>, but there is no usable index on `when`, as it doesn't come 
> first in the multi-column index.  Even if there were a usable index on 
> `when`, I expect there would be fewer rows in accounts with the correct name 
> than rows in transactions within the date range.  So, the optimizer chooses 
> accounts as the first table.  For each row found in accounts with the right 
> name, it matches that up with rows in transactions according to the JOIN 
> condition, using the first part of the index.  Finally, it applies the 
> remaining WHERE condition on the results to filter the matching rows.
> This may be a case where Shawn's usual advice is the way to go.
> That is, change your join to an explicit join rather than an implicit join, 
> and move all the relevant conditions to the ON clause.  In other words, see if
>    SELECT *
>    FROM accounts
>    JOIN transactions ON accounts.account_id = transactions.account_id
>                      AND when BETWEEN '2004-02-05' AND '2004-02-10'
>    WHERE = 'dave';
> does any better.
> Michael
        Bill Shubert ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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