On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 08:25:49PM -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:
> At 16:31 -0600 10/2/04, "Dave Shariff Yadallee -  System 
> Administrator a.k.a. The Root wrote:
> >New error WITH password implemented:
> Apparently the ownership of the mysql database and/or the files in
> it is not set such that the files are accessible to the Unix account
> that you're using to run mysqld.
> For example, perhaps you're running the server as the "mysql" login user,
> but the files are owned by root.  That's a common problem.

Here is an ls -Fail or the mysql directory and the one above it:

Script started on Sun Oct  3 06:06:54 2004
doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/contrib/var/mysql$ ls -Fail
total 160
7301121 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel   512 Oct  3 06:06 ./
5904388 drwxr-xr-x  77 root   wheel  2048 Oct  2 16:11 ../
7301139 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel   274 Jun 11  2003 columns_priv.MYD
7301138 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  3072 Jun 11  2003 columns_priv.MYI
7301137 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  8778 Jun 11  2003 columns_priv.frm
7301124 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  1963 Jun 11  2003 db.MYD
7301123 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  3072 Jun 11  2003 db.MYI
7301122 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  8982 Jun 11  2003 db.frm
7301133 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel     0 Jun 11  2003 func.MYD
7301132 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  1024 Jun 11  2003 func.MYI
7301131 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  8641 Jun 11  2003 func.frm
7301127 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel     0 Jun 11  2003 host.MYD
7301126 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  1024 Jun 11  2003 host.MYI
7301125 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  8958 Jun 11  2003 host.frm
7301136 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  1140 Jun 11  2003 tables_priv.MYD
7301135 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  3072 Jun 11  2003 tables_priv.MYI
7301134 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  8877 Jun 11  2003 tables_priv.frm
7301372 -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel     0 Oct  3 06:06 typescript
7301130 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  4387 Aug  9 08:59 user.MYD
7301129 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  2048 Aug  9 08:59 user.MYI
7301128 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel  9148 Jun 11  2003 user.frm
doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/contrib/var/mysql$ ls -Fail ..
total 19150
5904388 drwxr-xr-x  77 root   wheel     2048 Oct  2 16:11 ./
 376960 drwxr-xr-x  23 root   wheel      512 Oct  3 05:49 ../
5904389 -rwx------   1 mysql  wheel   724529 Jun 11  2003 020607*
5975817 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 111/
8043141 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Jul  5 18:04 ParticipatoryDemocracy/
8027270 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1536 Oct  2 15:01 TMGDATA/
5979790 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 addata/
5983752 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     4096 Oct  2 14:55 adriannos/
6015506 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 avena/
6019462 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 banner/
6023438 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 bargainboyz/
6027402 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 bezko/
6031365 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 blueflower/
7440009 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 busdir/
6039305 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     4608 Oct  2 14:55 catalog/
6071044 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 ccdb/
6075010 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 cclinks/
6078986 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 ccmp/
6082961 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 chess/
6090888 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2048 Oct  2 14:55 codeabout/
6098824 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1536 Oct  2 14:55 communityupdates/
6114695 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:55 consortiamath/
6122652 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 darius/
6126597 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 database01/
6134535 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:55 ddsnews/
8023297 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Jun 24 21:03 democracy/
7527307 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2048 Oct  2 14:59 digital4rt/
7551114 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel    11264 Oct  2 14:59 dkpostnuke/
5904393 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel        0 Oct  2 04:10 doctor.log
5904536 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel  3044467 Oct  2 03:32 doctor.log.0.gz
5904402 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel  1082868 Sep 18 04:10 doctor.log.1.gz
5904391 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel  1100202 Sep 11 03:58 doctor.log.2.gz
5904392 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel  1563416 Sep  4 02:11 doctor.log.3.gz
5904394 -rwxr-xr-x   1 mysql  wheel     1887 Jun 11  2003 doctor.nk.ca.err*
5904395 -rwxr-xr-x   1 mysql  wheel   379810 Oct  2 15:57 doctor.nl2k.ab.ca.err*
7642370 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:59 elkisland/
6646402 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1536 Oct  2 14:56 facouncil/
6654338 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2560 Oct  2 14:56 freetradenk/
7443983 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     6144 Oct  2 14:59 gamershaven/
6360707 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel    12800 Oct  2 14:56 goatboy/
7519371 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:59 horde/
7650306 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel    10752 Oct  2 15:00 kendalnuke/
6658306 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     3584 Oct  2 14:56 kiloalpha4/
6697986 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:56 levelix/
6705922 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2048 Oct  2 14:57 linksdata/
 436513 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     9216 Oct  2 15:00 lu3i4/
1492001 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 15:00 maia/
3218081 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 15:00 maiabasic/
4591009 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Sep  6  2003 maiabta/
6789273 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:57 mercury/
6805122 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel    18432 Oct  2 14:57 myjeepney/
7241602 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:57 mymarket/
7261454 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2560 Oct  2 14:57 myopea/
7301121 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  3 06:06 mysql/
7305090 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:57 mysql.old/
7309077 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     3072 Oct  2 14:57 newage/
7499526 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 May  4  2003 nj/
5904396 -rwxr-xr-x   1 mysql  wheel      229 Jun 11  2003 nk.ca.err*
5904397 -rwxr-xr-x   1 mysql  wheel        3 Jun 11  2003 nk.ca.pid*
5904398 -rwxr-xr-x   1 mysql  wheel  1594640 Jun 11  2003 nk.log*
6166278 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     9216 Oct  2 14:56 nuke/
4952097 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     9728 Oct  2 15:00 nuker/
7328897 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 oscommerce/
7336833 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 peterbi/
7340809 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 php_book/
7420161 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     3072 Oct  2 14:58 phpbb2/
7523339 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:59 phpforflash/
7348759 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2560 Oct  2 14:58 phpgroupware/
7364613 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 poe_sessions/
7725698 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 15:00 poppawid/
7368578 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 preserve/
6642453 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Aug  9 08:59 prosale/
7372549 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 reminders/
8047110 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     4608 Oct  2 15:01 riskeh/
7745537 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 15:00 sampdb/
7376530 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 spasm/
7761411 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 15:00 stephan/
7392407 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 stunnel/
7769351 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     6656 Oct  2 15:00 sunsetcrew/
7396375 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 supermall/
1460256 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 14:58 swp/
4634656 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 tabletalk/
5452064 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 test/
5904401 -rw-rw----   1 mysql  wheel     2245 Aug 21 14:38 test431.log
5904400 -rw-r--r--   1 mysql  wheel     1480 Aug 23 00:05 test431.nl2k.ab.ca.err
7404293 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Apr 18  2003 therapytables/
7848710 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel    16384 Oct  2 15:00 tiki/
7412229 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel      512 Oct  2 14:58 tsgca_postalcodes/
5904390 -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel     3263 Oct  2 16:29 typescript
8007428 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     1024 Oct  2 15:01 usenet/
7503502 drwx------   2 mysql  wheel     2560 Oct  2 14:59 yabbse/
doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/contrib/var/mysql$ exit

Script done on Sun Oct  3 06:07:21 2004
> >
> >Script started on Sat Oct  2 16:28:59 2004
> ><command sent>
> >This scripts updates the mysql.user, mysql.db, mysql.host and the
> >mysql.func tables to MySQL 3.22.14 and above.
> >
> >This is needed if you want to use the new GRANT functions,
> >CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION or want to use the more secure passwords in 3.23
> >
> >If you get 'Access denied' errors, you should run this script again
> >and give the MySQL root user password as an argument!
> >Converting all privilege tables to MyISAM format
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 2: Table 'db' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 3: Table 'host' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 4: Table 'func' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 5: Table 'columns_priv' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 6: Table 'tables_priv' is read only
> >
> >If your tables are already up to date or partially up to date you will
> >get some warnings about 'Duplicated column name'. You can safely ignore 
> >these!
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 2: Table 'user' is read only
> >
> >Creating Grant Alter and Index privileges if they don't exists
> >You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 2: Table 'host' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 3: Table 'db' is read only
> >
> >Setting default privileges for the new grant, index and alter privileges
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 2: Table 'db' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 3: Table 'host' is read only
> >
> >Adding columns needed by GRANT .. REQUIRE (openssl)
> >You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 6: Table 'user' is read only
> >
> >Creating the new table and column privilege tables
> >Changing name of columns_priv.Type -> columns_priv.Column_priv
> >You can ignore any Unknown column errors from this
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'columns_priv' is read only
> >
> >Fixing the func table
> >You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'func' is read only
> >
> >Adding new fields used by MySQL 4.0.2 to the privilege tables
> >You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >
> >Updating new privileges in MySQL 4.0.2 from old ones
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'db' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 4: Table 'host' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 1: Table 'db' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 2: Table 'host' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 3: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 4: Table 'tables_priv' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 5: Table 'tables_priv' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 6: Table 'columns_priv' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 8: Table 'db' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 9: Table 'host' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 10: Table 'user' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 11: Table 'func' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 12: Table 'tables_priv' is read only
> >ERROR 1036 at line 13: Table 'columns_priv' is read only
> >doctor.nl2k.ab.ca//usr/contrib/var$ exit
> >exit
> >
> >Script done on Sat Oct  2 16:29:27 2004
> >
> >Say what??
> >
> >--
> >MySQL General Mailing List
> >For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
> >To unsubscribe:    http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
> MySQL AB, www.mysql.com
> -- 
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
> To unsubscribe:    http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:    http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  • ... Bob Ramsey
    • ... Chris Blackwell
      • ... Bob Ramsey
    • ... Santino
      • ... Gerald Taylor
    • ... SGreen
      • ... Bob Ramsey
        • ... Michael Stassen
  • Dave Shariff Yadallee - System Administrator a.k.a. The Root of the Problem

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