Hi Shaun!

        I beg you pardon, my last message was incomplete! I will quote the
last lines from my previous post:

---8<----- Cut here -------8<-------
>       - Thanks to the LIMIT clause, we get only the first result, which by
> the way is one of the projects with the most assigned tasks. If you want
> further select which one of the projects with the most assigned tasks you
> want, you must order by another column, like date (or filter out the
> projects in the WHERE clause).
>       Given said that, 
>       Cheers,
>       Jose Miguel.
---8<----- Cut here -------8<-------

        It was my intention to finish the message as:

        "Given said that, if you want more information on how this select
works, do not hesitate to ask. ;-)"

        Again, I apologize for the confusion.

        Jose Miguel.


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