NOTE: I have cross-posted this to the plusplus mailing list as well.
I am using sql_create_basic_N to generate structures that mirror my database
tables.  The problem I have is that some of the fields in my database are
"blobs" that need to be escaped before insertion.
1. I am using a string to represent the data in the structure:

sql_create_basic_2(StoryBody, 0, 0,
       INT32, StoryID,
       string, Body);    // this is actually a blob

Is there a better data structure for this?
2. The data that I am trying to store has nulls scattered throughout.  When
I create the insert string using the following code, it only puts in the
data up to the first null.  That's a side effect of the string, so I have
tried escaping the string before I create the insert statement.  That
doesn't seem to work either.  Apparently, MySql is ignoring the escaped

StoryBody    sb;
sb.StoryID = -1;
string tmpS(blobSize, blob);
sb.Body = tmpS;
 Query q = m_dbconn->query();
 stringstream strbuf; 
 try {
  string tmpQS = "INSERT INTO STORYBODY (Body) VALUES('";
      strbuf << "INSERT INTO STORYBODY (Body) VALUES(" << quote <<  sb.Body
<< ")";
} catch(BadQuery e) {
    // handle error here

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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