I'm trying to create a view from two tables address and address_association.
So I did the following and expect they are the same:

CREATE VIEW associated_address AS 
select t0.association_id AS association_id,
t0.property_dict AS property_dict,
t0.type_id AS type_id,
t0.owner_id AS owner_id,
t0.owner_class_name AS owner_class_name,
t0.status_code AS asso_status,
t0.flag AS flag,
t1.* from address_association t0, address t1 
where (t0.address_id = t1.address_id);

select t0.association_id AS association_id,
t0.property_dict AS property_dict,
t0.type_id AS type_id,
t0.owner_id AS owner_id,
t0.owner_class_name AS owner_class_name,
t0.status_code AS asso_status,
t0.flag AS flag,
t1.* from address_association t0 
left join address t1 
on (t0.address_id = t1.address_id);

But you see the differences:

mysql> select count(1) from vaa;
| count(1) |
|     1443 |
1 row in set (7.30 sec)

mysql> select count(1) from associated_address;
| count(1) |
|     1441 |
1 row in set (3.32 sec)

I have one row in address_association which address_id value not found in table 
Does this cause the above difference?

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