----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Emily Lena Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: many-to-many query

> Hi, I'm totally new at this so have no idea whether I'm asking for
> easy or quite difficult.
> I am working in MySQL 3.23.58/PHP and am trying to construct a rather
> query.  I have three tables: resources (containing resid, descr, title,
> topicdir (containing topicid, resid) and topic (containing topicid,
> topic, parentid).  Each resource is associated with numerous topics.
> Initially I wanted to get just all the resources associated with a
> particular topic (in this example #36), so had the following SQL
> SELECT resources.title, resources.descr, resources.url
> FROM resources, topic_dir
> WHERE topic_dir.topic_id = 36 AND topic_dir.res_id = resources.res_id
> ORDER BY resources.title
> Now it gets a bit more complicated: I need all resources associated
> with topic 36 (or whatever) but also all topics with parentid 998
> associated with the resources associated with topic 36.  Because I'm
working in
> an earlier version of MySQL, I can't use a subquery.
> Any ideas/solutions/help would be most appreciated!
MySQL is perfectly capable of joining together three or more tables in a
single query, so rest assured that this is not a problem. I see that someone
else, 'none none', has just pointed you to the article about 'join' in the
MySQL manual.

However, you may have an issue of database design to confront. I can't tell
from your question whether you have actually designed your tables to
implement true many-to-many relationships. If you have, I would strongly
recommend that you think very hard before proceeding any further. The
approach that almost every database professional uses is to break each
many-to-many relationship into two one-to-many relationships via an
association table.

For instance, given a many-to-many relationship between employees and
projects - an employee can be working on multiple projects and each project
can involve many employees - the normal way to design the tables that
describe this relationship is:

create table employee
(emp_id int not null,
 lastname char(20) not null,
 primary key(emp_id)) Type=InnoDB;

create table project
(proj_id char(5) not null,
 projname char(20) not null,
primary key(proj_id)) Type=InnoDB;

create table emp_proj
(emp_id int not null,
 proj_id char(5) not null,
primary key (emp_id, proj_id)
foreign key(emp_id) references employee(emp_id),
foreign key(proj_id) references project(proj_id)) Type=InnoDB;

The resulting tables would look like this when populated with data:
emp_id    lastname    ...
1            Smith
2            Jones
3            Black
4            Green

proj_id    projname
A0001    Mortgage System
B0002    Payroll System
C0003    Warehouse System
D0004    Finance System

emp_id    proj_id
1            A0001
2            C0003
3            A0001
4            B0002
2            B0002

Therefore, employee 1 is working on Project A0001, employee 2 is working on
Projects C0003 and B0002, employee 3 is working on Project A0001, and
employee 4 is working on Project B0002. We can also infer that no one is
working on Project D0004 because no employees in the Emp_proj table are
recorded as being working on that project.

If the tables are sufficiently small, you may know the names associated with
the employee and project IDs off by heart, in which case you don't need to
look at any table other than Emp_proj to determine which employees are on
which projects or vice versa. If the volumes of data are too large to
memorize the IDs, you can do joins between the Emp_proj, Employee, and
Project tables to combine all of this data.


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